Lady Jólakötturinn

The voice of one does not define the group.

Yeah. He might be a jerk but if he isn't endangering others I don't see the point.

My inner concern troll is having a panic attack right now for these women.


Has he even had a DUI yet?

I am so sorry you grew up with that. I can't even imagine.

I am pro choice but I can appreciate a person's reasoning that they are anti choice without resorting to insults.

Is that a chocolate lab? The adorable dumb cousin of the lab breed.

Imo it contributes. An entire website database of wedding venues? It would be one thing if it were event venues but it isn't .

I had a contract with a vendor and the contract had the price.

Again. Only as stressful as you make it. A la cart when you have if bring in each vendor seperately is more work and more expensive. Your choice.

Is this sarcastic?

What about the ire for her portrait of this generation as a bunch of thankless entitled sloths? Is it satire?

I'm talking more social situations like family parties.

I try very hard not to judge parenting at all because, as with many things, I know nothing about the experience.

There are certain connections and parts of the brain more active when you have to actively physically hold a pen/stylus. Some part of the memory learning. The study focused on kids learning letters I think.


I'm definitely one of those childless judgmental persons who cringes when I see parents hand there kids phones, ipads, etc. as a toy.