
right bc its so super safe now


“Hes also wear a sweatshirt”

every 3 minutes a woman is beaten

Pls god let it be Naya Rivera

Great. But your experience doesnt apply to all autistic people. At all. My best friend’s brother hospitalized her and her mother 16 times due to his violent tendencies resulting from stress and overstimulation caused by his autism. He had to be removed from the home for his and their safety. He hung himself in 2009.

yes but it can kill you in unsafe amounts you fucking idiot.

youre chances are pretty good as long as you just stay scared at the male half.

Nah. The focus in that practice is on the individual that did a shitty thing. He most likely said this shitty offensive thing bc it is what he believes to his core, not because he made an out of character “slip.” The focus SHOULD be on the proud bomb-ass women who are the only reason people even care about tennis

it is based on the tiny, frail, shriveled, sensitive, vulnerable, desperate male ego.

how about “we” as in fucking humanity?

men. you can’t trust men. truth hurts but still remains true.

it’s more “pro moving that money to something that they actually give a fuck about”

I’m actually an academic researcher for a living. I appreciate your response, but I have done my research (about two years’ worth starting with widespread synthetic opioid use as pain management in hospital birth all the way to the jamaica study on neonatal effects of marijuana , and all of it proves without a doubt

me too sister this is so fucked up to read the levl of misinformation

“home births have just higher rates of death to the baby, but it is not dramatically higher. This is what advocates use to claim that they are just as safe as hospital births.”


SERIOUSLY. I haven’t sen such ignorance about non hospital birth in a long time. Of course if you have no prenatal care and try to just pop it out on your own in the tub w no education or assistance, you are foolish to do so and you may be risking your child’s life as well as your own. But DAYUM look up statistics on