Mira Mi Huevo!!!

@Gimmi Mørgäikkönën: the smell and the memories, I played Duck Hunt with my dad, mom and sisters all morning. Back when games were simple and intuitive.

@Gimmi Mørgäikkönën: It was Xmas for me too, and I don't know anybody who has gotten cancer from that Xmasy new gadget smell... not in those concentrations, so stop the fear mongering, it seems there are people just looking for something to be afraid of these days...

@Pill_Hell_Tom: I don't think its like that at all... I think it is more a recognition of when someone looks down to you and not liking it.

@Kevin Schueller: They are trying to be unique... just like everbody else!

What I understand from the "Hipster-State" (as I call it)... is that it entails nothing more than an endless pursue for the uniqueness within (themselves) and the externalization of said uniqueness. Which in turn evolves into a rejection of everything mainstream and the constant reinvention of their tastes and

@Unholy_Hero: I was enumerating what I thought was innapropriately infered/said in his comment, not making direct quotes...

@moonshadowkati: Wow... you got the most colorful bunch of acquaintances!!! = D

And since everybody in china knows martial arts... you know the fight that broke out was Super Bad and twice as fast as your Ass!!!

@tw@t: I used to work for the IT Dept. of a Bank in Texas and they hired a Nigerian as Head of IT Security and BCP (The guy had a Masters in IT Security from a Nigerian University).

@MarcusMaximus: Vault dwellers everywhere cry in unison!!!

It can even hold your other arm!!!

@OMFG! PierceTheVin: I do pity the foos who fight the sexy FooFighting... Sexy FooFighting... a new mixed martial art is born!

@moonshadowkati: Oh no... I am well aware of the short lived expectation of privacy online.

@MarcusMaximus: So, am I not at liberty to have/expect some privacy?

@moonshadowkati: And if they do befriend you just to read what you have and use it against you without a court order that information will get slapped out of court by a judge faster than a bear farting in a fighter jet and you will be in the clear...