
I agree. I saw Barb and saw myself on so many levels. The strange hairstyle and glasses (both my mother’s idea of what was “pretty” when I knew it wasn’t, plus the clothes, plus also the “goody-two-shoes” trying to police/control my friends and keep them from drinking, having sex, etc. It wasn’t a great time, all that

I cared way more about Barb than Will. She actually felt like a real person instead of the object of rescue. I don’t mind a story driven by an object of rescue in itself, but I am still pissed the show forgot about Barb and nobody bothered to look for her except Nancy and nobody cared she died.

I fell in love with Barb the first time she was on screen. FINALLY, a girl that looked similar to those I was surrounded by growing up in the ‘80s.

She was amazing in Stranger Things, although honestly the entire cast was...even Barb...poor, poor Barb :(

kids have no taste is true

My kid has been more stoked about this movie than he was for Secret Life of Pets. We are going on Tuesday for our weekly night out. Kids have no taste and I’m okay with it. He can be a cynical cinematic snob in twenty years. For now, I’ll just enjoy hearing those giggles about a cranky cat-man.

Wow he’s the asshole in this scenario.. I think you are projecting just a tad...

Yeah, fuck the guy whose wife murdered his children just to spite him. He’s probably an asshole and not deserving at all of any sympathy.

Christy? I thought you were dead

I think she made life hell for that family. She probably should of listened to his advice, that sounds so heartless but what she did was evil, she wanted to punish her husband by killing THEIR kids, she did this on his birthday, the same week her daughter was going to get married. There's something so screwed up about

I have this deep seeded feeling that not matter how awful the things said, the lack of a gun would have meant everyone got out alive....

I haven’t seen any of this season yet—what is Sonja’s talking head dress situation?

Annnddddd you just described Simon Barney. To a T.

Can we talk about the men’s fashions in earlier seasons? Boot-cut jeans with those pointy leather loafers with the too-big blazers with the wackily-printed shirts with the cuffs rolled up so they flapped about in the breeze? I shudder. Oh, and Lynne’s cuffs. That’s all. Oh and I also forgot about L’il Lydia and Peggy


How could you forget the classiest accessory of them all?

One of my best friends and I have what we call “Real Housewives Lunch” every few months - where we go somewhere fancy and order a salad wearing our fanciest jewel toned silk top and all of the jewelry we can fit on our bodies. Always a good time. Thank you for providing so much inspiration here for our next outing.

Heather Dubrow 4EVER

It’s a good thing my dog is going to live forever and I won’t have to go through this.