Lord Lucan

Why did people follow Hitler? Megalomania casts a powerful spell.

They've invited Brian Fellows to lecture at the Department of Zoology.

For fuck's sake.

Haven't seen that. Did see "Henry". I think 'tedious idiot' probably describes most if not all of them.

Is she still in indentured servitude to Cowell or has she earned her freedom yet?

What did his fall really tell us about the nature of international political economy? What did his fall reveal to us about ourselves?

Or you might be like Helen Mirren, and somehow still be genuinely hot at seventy.

Some dunderhead wrote an ostensibly serious gender "thinkpiece" for The Guardian the other day that's actually titled: 'Madonna's fall doesn't make her ancient – it reveals her as more radical than ever'.

Uhh.. (Doo doo doo doo)
Wicki-wild wild (doo doo doo doo dooooo)
Wild Wild West (Yeahhhhhhhhhahhhhh!)

Also that delving into their psychological profiles is interesting. It really isn't. They're incredibly boring people by all appearances.

You're right, and it's important it's emphasized, as the Pope has been trying to do, particuarly in that one comment. Many will nonetheless consider it a lot of insincere finessing and circumlocution given fundamental sexual ethics it espouses; as in, 'we accept you to the extent you deny who you are'. And yet, as

Bruce Willis is very selective about what products he chooses to associate himself with. Sobieski vodka impressed him because of its quality, authenticity, and affordability.

I hope these form the basis of an epistolary novel some day.

I'm hoping he wrestles Nazi heck cattle to mark the seventieth anniversary of VE Day.

You're too sweetly ingenuous to preceive all of the subtle manifestations of his diabolical masterplan, Scrawler. Would that I were myself, but I have seen too much, become too hardened. I cannot regain my innocence nor find succor in the opiate of mere entertainment, unsullied by the stain of liberalism.

No, I agree to your qualification. I was being a bit glib. In fact, I grew up in a house with several rifles and we certainly never had that mentality. If you're vulnerable to paranoia, having one may amplify it. If you a buy a gun because you're scared, perhaps it would make you more vulnerable to fear.

You haven't seen Seth MacFarlane's shit-eating grin then.

Oh, I'm sure that's true. Even if you have a gun in the home, it probably breeds paranoia such that every noise of unknown origin is apt to make you think you need to get the gun out.


It's so much saner that they don't carry them at all times in the UK. It bestows more of what the correct mentality should be: that they're working in a civilian community and not a war zone. I wonder what the psychological effect of carrying a gun all day is. It has to be: 'I wonder when I might have to use this