Minuit Soleil

They definitely managed to fix a lot of the initial problems along the way, but personally I actually thought that beyond lacklustre finale it was easily better than Arrow's season 1 and pretty close to Flash S1 (I've never been as enamoured with it as seemingly everyone else - the last run of episodes was absolutely

His comment about just wanting to help/save the world also drives in the fact that everything he was doing is literally his purpose; if we believe that every Inhuman has a purpose then this was his and it's what he was designed for, he literally had no other path to follow and he just happened to be way to good at his

I…think it says a lot about the villains of the week on Flash that I have absolutely no idea who you're talking about… time to turn to google!

He's not the Arrow showrunner though. He handed control over to Berlanti and Mericle in S3, and I think he focused on LoT and Supergirl this year.

Yep. It wasn't just a stupid premise, LoT functioned based on the stupidity of every character involved (leaving the villain for dead every single time instead of even attempting containment; I still don't understand why they couldn't have captured Savage, waited for him to come back to life and then while he was

Yeah. I personally still have issues with the moral execution of SHIELD itself but the plot was absolutely solid and they sure did the nuke idea better than Arrow did. Plus, the end of the villain was really poignant and blows the ends of Darkh and Zoom away.

I'm with you on this. I thought Season 3 was weak in execution (Ra's was lame af, they made weird creative choices like revealing to the audience that Oliver was faking joining Ra's, then trying to end the episode on a climatic "will he really kill his team" scene which - dude, you just told us he was faking.

They never intentionally do it though, do they? As far as I recall it's always deaths they seemingly can't avoid, with only one straight out murder (Wells being forced to kill the Turtle guy)

Particularly ironic since this season was supposed to be the evolution of "hopeful" Oliver.

Sounds legit to me. I'm not sure about the scores (I remember Kara's rage against her mum or her speech in Human For a Day and something in me just rebels against that C+) but the ranking of seasons is solid, although I might bring Flash 2 down to the same level as Legends. My personal favourite is Supergirl though,

Supergirl is ridiculously hard to score in all honesty, because it has some really fantastic scenes (the climax fight against Red Tornado, Kara's explosion of rage against her AI mum) but it's balanced off with so many other flaws like ridiculously on-the-nose, awful writing and that shitty half-assed thing the

Romantic triangle? Wait, there was a romantic triangle in supergirl?

Having seen her in Glee, Whiplash and Supergirl I can tell you 100% that Glee is absolutely the anomaly. I don't know if it's because she somehow learnt to act after leaving Glee, or Marley was just too much of a Mary Sue, but her performance in Whiplash was surprisingly good, and her performance in Supergirl is

The idea of being a superhero just means you save lives and ask questions later is actually kind of simplistic IMO? I mean, that begs the question of what happens when a hero is faced with a trolley problem, whereby they would have to ask the questions of who to save now. They would have to pick and choose.

If their assertion that the Speedforce is a sentient force is right, and given that we know even in Eobard's timeline a Flash exists, presumably Oliver was right in the Flash pilot, and in every given timeline as long as a particle accelerator exists, the Speedforce will still choose Barry to become the Flash.

Not necessarily. He also lets her die because he genuinely has no clue what happens if she lives/who else's lives he might change. It's exactly other people's happiness that he's thinking about here, after all, a timeline in which Nora Allen lives IS the timeline which produced Eobard Thawne, in which Eddie supposedly

I think carlabarla was being sarcastic…

Also, Savage. Literally the most fucking awful casting and writing I've seen from Arrowverse fueled that character, seriously. Stein had his moments, he was reliable for comedy and had great chemistry with Sara/occasionally Mick, so I wouldn't mind him sticking around. The problem is that they just don't give him good

Why do we need to make Oliver a bad guy in this situation? Throughout the entire situation the only things Oliver ever does wrong is when he doesn't fully settle his feelings for Shado/Sara (but this is in character given how he tends to hide from things emotionally) and fails to tell Slade the truth early on (because

Exactly. The timeline should have been completely erased, INCLUDING any actions and ripple effects caused by individuals within the timeline. I can see why they wouldn't want this (the story sure would get convoluted) but at least provide some explanation, right?