
I'm with you, provided we un-make FF XIII while we're at it.

My Bloody Valentine
I would have liked a new album from them 10 or 15 years ago. At this point…

Yeesh. She looks like Annie Lennox in that picture.

That sort of incivility is uncalled for.

@ Unregistered Migrant
Clearly, improvisational repartee is not numbered among Sir Patrick's talents.

Odd timing
Strange that there's suddenly a spate of failed Roman conquest of Northern Britain movies. What an oddly specific historical incident to give multiple treatments too. I look forward to next year's trifecta of Charles the Bald biopics.

I thought that Payne finally outgrew the whole "look at these naive, parochial midwest rubes" shtick with Sideways. Guess not.

I hope Banksy turns out to be Marlon Brando and Marlon Brando faked his own death and Princess Littlefeather accepts on his behalf.

Lake Manrosovar is in Tibet. It has a surface area of 120 sq. miles. There may be delicious fish in it.

I don't get the adoration. She was okay in that movie where the trees chase Mark Wahlberg. I guess.

I don't think Going Blank Again is as strong as Nowhere on the whole, but Twisterella is pretty much the perfect pop song.

While I agree that Slowdive and Chapterhouse both deserved more acclaim and attention than they ever got, I wouldn't call Ride bland by any stretch of the imagination. As the reviewer nicely articulates, they proved that shoegaze could rock.

You're right.

I'd like for him to switch it up a little, give us the occasional sonnet or limerick.

I'd watch a buddy cop show starring The Mouth of the South and The Nefarious Mr. Fuji.

Yup. You should check out his EP of Al Jolson covers. Snider's version of "Mammy" is transcendent.

…and then they took it too far and wrote boring calypso songs about how it's wrong to check out girls on the subway.

Thom Yorke
His crybaby attitude in Meeting People is Easy was almost (but not quite) enough to turn me off to OK Computer. "Waahhh.. it's bollock Johnny, it's all bollocks this praise and adulation."