
Who’s the original artist??

It’s been over a week since this aired and I still don’t get the damn pony song!!

Because the whole petition is a major misfire at an irrelevant target.... I hate when people boycott things before they have even seen it... I giggled at the moment myself, does that make me a transphobe?

Thanks for sharing... i totally agree with your general take-way on Haynes. He’s a bravura filmmaker who has never quite made that “gesamtkunstwerk” we’ve “hoped for”. CAROL sounds promising enough to get me into a movie theater the holidazed season!

Or maybe it’s time to admit that American capitalism is as much a failure as Russian Communism???


“STDs affect people in all walks of life, particularly young women and men, but these data suggest an increasing burden among gay and bisexual men.”

Victoria must be turning in her tomb!!

Ohh Papa Tootie, Boy I’m glad I check outta crazy town!!

I thought it was the LBGTQIAP group?

Dawn Davenport!! DUH!!!