It took me a while going through her twitter but there’s stuff that would be fireable at my company. Here is one place where she tells someone to F off after he says essentially he’s sorry for bothering her. “”
OK, after reading that, she can have fun with the trolls. Just reading the article above, if felt like their firing was way out of place. But if she’s making comments like that, good luck to her.
I fail to see how anything the other guy wrote was backseating. She made a post on twitter about writing characters for video games and the guy said that he thought dialog choices would work to give players agency over their characters. Instead of telling him why it wouldn’t work in GW2 she called him sexist. Unless…
And if that interaction blew up and your firm decided that was an unacceptible way of conducting yourself, you could very well be out on the street, too.
They set the standard of firing people who randomly insult their fans.
None of what you just said contradicts, or even addresses, anything I said.
There was nothing “condescending” about Deroir’s post. It’s exactly the sort of respectful feedback and suggestions I’d expect and encourage from a fan-base, to be honest. And there’s was absolutely nothing misogynistic about it, so for her to make it out to be an issue with her gender was projection at best, and an…
“ If any professional wants to start a conversation in a public space about “what my job entails,” they have an obligation to answer respectful discourse about if their job could be done better.”
I wouldn’t go that far. She could either treat the respectful comment with a respectful reply, or she could just not say…
Had she not started literally insulting the playerbase, I agree, probably a reprimand. This has nothing to do with the “GG crowd”, this is all on her and her “final straw”.
Taking the original twitter spat alone, her behavior was ridiculous. She posted a multi-tweet essay, essentially, to a public space. Someone respectfully commented on that essay and she began passively insulting him.
she was being vulgar and a misandrist. using profanity at people being respectful toward you when you misunderstood is just wrong. she deserved to be fired.