Just to be clear I was talking about our friend Michael :)
Just to be clear I was talking about our friend Michael :)
“I mean gas is $2 bucks. Unemployment is at 5%. Stock market has rebounded. Bin Laden is dead.”
Exclusively due to Mr. Obama’s community organizing skills. Give credit where credit is due!
“The sheer arrogance of it is astonishing and yet sadly he’s probably blind to it.”
“Cry me a river over the spike in price of Telsas”
It could be as simple as Tesla Motors needing an excuse to raise prices to try to alleviate hemorrhaging cash.
“and I am thoroughly appalled at the thought of the Cheeto-encrusted Sleestak who will soon occupy the White House.”
Preach on brother! Because we live in a dictatorship so Mr. Trump will have a free rein (I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone be damned) and, more importantly, Candidate Clinton was a superior alternative.
“Just give them time, stage 5 (Acceptance) is coming...”
I don’t want them to get to that stage because the longer the tantrums go the more damage they inflict to their own party and ultimately the cause.
Lets try this:
I never made the mistake of opening my car door after being pulled over. It did not end like this video. But then again, I don’t do stupid shit (or illegal to begin with) which makes my skin color irrelevant.
How did that make you feel :)
I know what a Volvo looks like and that thing right there ain’t no Volvo!
“Yeah, its just like the produce section at the grocery store, they thow away 2 cars for every one they sell”
Case can be made store needs to offer freshest produce at any given time. Dealerships not so much.
“Worse, it was for stress/anxiety related issues.”
So many color and transmission options will make one dizzy :)
Jokes aside, if its either you or a family member get well soon.
“yeah it was almost kicked by a horse, and was completely covered in cow poo.”
Even animals recognize how ugly it is :)
For me red (from a brighter part of the pallet) on a non-Italian sports car seems totally out of place. Darker shades like Mazda’s Soul Red get a pass.
“Profit margin on a Model S is around 25%”
That is Gross Profit you are referring to. GAAP loss per car is about $5K.
And what a mighty sound that is. A Colombo V12 at full throttle ain’t got shit on it!
“Catholic” and “(all) boys”. I feel like there is a joke in there somewhere but can’t quite put my finger on it.
No no. You need to get off my lawn :)
-The Empire Strikes Back
“How about you get off the internet for a while, Salty Sally.”
How did you find out what my name is? You must have some mad hacking skills.