
This theory doesn't make sense because everybody but Amazon is already flooding the market with TouchPads at $99.

According to Motorola Mobility stock price high in 2010, Google only paid a 10% increase with their $40/share offer. Maybe that's what this lawsuit is about.

Thats what they said back in December when all the journalists were testing it out.

In the past year I have been a customer of Sprint/T-Mobile/Verizon. When I got my Thunderbolt it showed how slow Sprint/T-Mobile speeds were. Verizon's 800mhz is the key to its success.

That would be true if I could get a reliable WiMAX signal indoors

Why'd you guys waste time doing this comparison?

It doesn't matter. You can still have unlimited data but whats the point if you get throttled?

Touchwiz sucks. Its the worse out of all the Android skins. It feels like it was designed for a preschooler.

Why is this phone still sporting a 800x400 resolution?!

I have the Thunderbolt and glad that I switched over. I knew this day was coming and that was my main reason for switching. There's no close to the speed that Verizon 4G offers. I always laugh that people mention Sprint as an alternative. Really? You can't even get a WiMAX signal indoors (I know, I had the Evo).

Obviously you don't know whats going on behind the scenes. The rich owners want to pay the players less money because they are claiming they're losing money. The thing is that the owners were the ones who gave up stupid absurd contracts to B or C level talant, i..e. Rashard Lewis, Gilbert Arenas and etc.

If Google might get with an FTC investigation shouldn't Apple get hit with one with how they operate the App Store?

This article might be a bit biased but its the truth. I still don't understand why the Playbook needs to be tethered to an actual blackberry to receive an email. Makes no sense at all. Honestly, both CEO's signed off on that. You mean to tell me one of them wasn't like "yo dude, this isn't cool at all. We need to

"According to Patco, the out-of-character transactions triggered alarms inside the bank, but the bank didn't notice them and let the transfers go through."

I have Google TV and have no problem entering in website addresses in the browser. Its not that bad as you think

Nobody makes serious profits selling music. Don't Apple and Amazon do it to drive sales to their other products?

How does a much smaller company like Rdio offer an awesome streaming music service but a behemoth of a company like Google cannot?

Why didn't article give us any speed test? I haven't heard good reviews about Clear 4G. Albeit I never tried the dongle mentioned above but have used the Novatel 4G Mifi on Sprint. Are you getting good indoor reception with the dongle?

5. Can Apple locate me based on my geo-tagged Wi-Fi hotspot and cell tower data?