
God, that is horrific. I hope he's got a good supportive extended family to back him up and get him the care he'll surely need.

On a more theoretical tip, "Hard Core: Power, Pleasure, and the Frenzy of the Visible" by Linda Williams is a classic. She teaches film studies at Berkeley and took a lot of heat for not being knee-jerk anti-porn in the 80's.

Hey! Some of us are underemployed college students with too much time on our hands. Leave us our dirty pictures, I implore you!

Yep, there's a perpetual play mode. I can't remember what it's called...but it throws you some good jewels on top if you run out down below.

"More active defending against abuse?" Do they really want to ring that bell?

@slowtraincoming: Copyright is automatic. You don't have to file. You own the copyright to every photo you've ever taken, too.

@temperance: Aaannnnd having to take prerequisite courses is completely normal for any academic program, from CC to Harvard Law. So 0 for 2 on the burns — congrats!

@shan164: Depends on the offense, I think. Shoplifting, yes. Murder, no. This one falls somewhere in between! It'll probably make the case more difficult to try, but I guess it's up to the prosecutor.

@puddingcupbeard: Hey, breast self-exams are important. I don't know how they're supposed to help with AIDS though. I'm guessing that donating to a breast cancer charity was vetoed as a little too 'on the nose'.

Nothing substantive to say, just want to thank you x 1 billion for 'flouting'. When people use 'flaunting' it makes me want to kill!

I'm far from an expert, but from what I understand, postwar Italian politics has been characterized by staggering corruption, violence and instability. (See the amazing movie 'Il Divo' for a taste.)

@o-line: NO! I was totally going to post that one and win! Dang.

@lawrencesmith9: That's assuming that adult "cross-dressing" isn't itself a form of play ("play" in a non-pejorative sense). I say let it ride. Love her, bottom line.

@Diziet_Sma: Sadly, that's probably why she's on local. I totally agree though, she's awesome.

There's some good stuff there amongst the dross: