
I didn't say we were a small portion of the English speaking world, just the world as a whole. I don't contest that it is unsurprising that Americanisms are common, or that we are the largest segment of the English speaking world. The point was simply that we aren't the only people in the world, and attempting to

Maths is the common term in pretty much any English speaking region that isn't North America. Believe it or not, we make up a rather small portion of the world, so catering to us doesn't make much sense. Also:

I had the same thought before coming to the sad realization that yeah, they really do need it there because the internet is a haven for the young and the ignorant.

A) You don't know this child. She could well be advanced enough to understand that video games aren't real. This normally happens around age 5-8. Someday you'll get there too and recognize that all the people on the screen are the 2014 equivalent of cartoon characters.

People hate it because the game lacks focus. There are over 30 characters and maybe 2-3 of them have actual plot significance once you've done their little side story. Several of them have no plot significance OR side story, they're just sorta... there (Draggy, Turnip, Neo Fio, Poshul all come to mind). It's also

You're right, there was nothing right or amusing about my comment, which is why nobody has recommended it and many seem to agree with you... wait...

No, what they said was (paraphrasing here, since you don't get appear to get sarcasm, humor, or hyperbole) "Last gen gamers are being left behind, the last gen versions of new games aren't quality tested like the current gen versions and they aren't as feature complete", to which my response was "No shit sherlock."

That depends on your definition of recently... this was happening in 2001 with PS1 and PS2 titles and it was equally obvious there. They're failing for obvious reasons; The very same reasons that anyone who picked up a copy of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 on the PS1 would've been very, very disappointed.

News flash:

Fair enough good sir. I used to type a lot on my phone too... I disabled the bullshit auto correct and spell-checked myself while managing to use proper grammar. I understand that may be too much for you, so I forgive thy transgressions!

I'm going to bother you as much as anyone else, I will not stand idly while you butcher the English language. I acknowledged my mistake and moved on, you're a being a bitter twat about it. If you're going to make an argument that people should have read something in the game itself, you should be capable of doing it

You're right, good catch. It's not a word I've ever had to use plural.

Oh don't evoke Chrono Trigger right now unless you want a really ugly iOS port and another "BUY THE RE-RE-RE-RELEASE IF YOU WANT A PROPER SEQUEL!" message

*retcon "Didn't anybody read... *?" "The brood mother... tainted Qunari, hence the huge horns." That's how you use ellipses, your grammar is atrocious and you don't know the term retcon (it stands for retroactive continuity). I don't think you read those codex either. :P

Dude it's a fucking Surface tablet... there's no GPU outside of the crap little thing built into the CPU. I'm amazed that it's managing that kind of framerate, but you go ahead believing you're right. You clearly know jack shit about hardware, and elitist trash like you is the reason there aren't more PC gamers. Also

Disable Origin in-game and it should fix the cutscene slideshow. Also, for anyone who has the option, running the game under Windows 8.1 reportedly increases framerate by 7-15fps over Windows 7 on the same hardware. I'm glad I didn't spring for the game, so many mixed reviews on it...

Now playing

DA:I running on a dual core, 1.6ghz (2.6ghz turbo) i5. I'm just going to drop this bombshell right here, since Kinja won't let me edit my last comment. There seems to be a number of folks reporting success with a specific Intel driver in their dual core systems as well.

By what token did I prove myself wrong? It was late, didn't feel like ranting at a wall. So here it goes.

Actually it's a very future proof system... you can drop an i5 in any time. You can swap out the GPU, there's enough power to give you more. There's a patch for Unity and a patch for FC4, users report the pentium works great with them. Additionally, almost 50% of Steam users have dual core systems. The issues with