
I got 4 free meals today because of twitter (restaurant tweeted they were having an all day special). Plus it's where I get most of my local news and other info. But, for the people who think it's what I just had to eat, I can tell you what my free meals were. #twitter

For Christmas we would hand out what the kids wanted to all the different grandparents and relatives. All the adults would have a different list so that no one would get the same thing by accident. Is there an online collaboration website that can do something like this. Maybe something that has a master list, they

I just installed Foobar2000, and I'm wondering if anybody knows of a configuration, or skin that is just a thin bar. Something similar to winamp's shade mode that takes up very little space on your screen. Or does foobar2000 have this built in? I haven't had a chance to mess with it yet. Thanks #openthread

@Darkest Daze: I have a high metabolism too, but I also have a family history of heart disease. I don't pay attention to what will make me gain weight (because I don't gain weight), I pay attention to the salt and cholesterol.

Want to say thanks again for all the help setting up windows XP, Windows 7, and Ubuntu on my laptop. Now I've got another question. When I boot up my laptop it starts with GRUB, and gives me the choice to start Ubuntu or the windows 7 loader. I'm going to be using XP the most for now so I choose the Windows 7 loader,

Thanks for all the help guys. I did it over the weekend and now im in the process of updates and installing programs. I have another question, but I'll ask that this Friday. I used Gparted to make 2 partitions, then left the rest as unallocated. Installed XP on one partition, Windows 7 on the second, and then

@envador: This is who Microsoft should have went with to explain Windows 7. They explained pretty good a few features of Google Wave

NetStumbler for windows 7? A few months back I tried NetStumbler on windows 7 and it didn't work for me. I just figured they hadn't made one for windows 7 yet. Do they have one now, or is there a work around? I didn't see anything on their website.

I'm wanting to set up windows XP, Windows 7, and Unbuntu on a laptop with a 80 gb hard drive. How should I partition the drive, what order should I install? Will I have to do anything speacial to get it to boot properly? Any other tips for this scary adventure?

If you had your own theme song what would it be? One that, when you walked into a room it would play. I'd like to think mine would be "Sleepy Language" by Layo & Bushwacka, but in reality, it would probably be the Three Stooges theme.

Even though the launch party movie is bad, did Microsoft achieve their goal? Windows 7 is getting coverage because of it. People are e-mailing it to each other, spoofs are being made about it, articles are being wrote about it. Did Microsoft make a cheap, cheesy infomercial, let nature take it's course, and let us

I'm pretty sure you can get fried chicken livers at the KFC, not that I would eat them, but I've had a few people get me to pick some up.

I always fry my eggs after I fry the meat (bacon or sausage), that takes care of the oil in the pan and gives them a good flavor. Then cook them to desired doneness, flip them, or spoon the hot oil on top to cook the tops.

Just for kicks, I'm going to compare apples to oranges.

This article was an interesting read, and I guess you could apply the rules for the cheaper restaurants, because I'm not going anywhere where it's $100 a plate. And I'll skip the ones that serve suckling pig liver, squab liver and rabbit liver.

@Archnemesis_Goldenhair: One day when I was adjusting the the time, the bell and the little rod that went into the watch came out of the watch. I can still put it back in, but it won't stay in (that's what she said). I'm afraid that I'll lose it if I wear it. The watch it still running, and with some fanagleing I can

I have an analog wristwatch that went bad. The case and wristband are still in perfect shape. Can I get the guts out of another watch and use it to replace this one? How would I go about finding the right size? Taking it to get it fixed would cost more than I payed for it, but I like the way it looks.

VOTE: Pidgin

Does anybody know any good websites that show how to build cardboard furniture (mainly a couch)? I've found some stuff on [Instructables.com] and some finished products on the web. But I'm looking for plans or something with more details in the building process.