Mindy's Home Made Coke

Ah yes tarring an entire social media platform with the same brush.

Dunno about that, the RPDR subreddit was pretty livid about her elimination. I think she was one of the more popular queens of the season so far.

I’m surprised, too - I actually think it’s a better show than The Office and a *significantly* better one than Two Broke Girls, certainly if we look past its shaky first season. It routinely pulls off the insane balancing act of seven diverse main cast members and countless recurring characters, major and minor

Obligatory comment to make sure that you know people still want you to cover season five, John. <3

Yes! Spot on.

The people who thought Nina’s storyline was boring are the kind of people we should all stop listening to, though. Nina’s storyline was still rewarding and poignant and interesting and I imagine a Martha storyline would have been, too.

Hey, OP’s comment has been deleted in the move to Kinja - can you or anyone tell me what everyone’s talking about here? Sounds like a cast video or something.

Right there with you, dude. I watched this episode for the first time about two months ago and I’m still not over it.

Completely agree. The other actors are all terrific, too (I’m not remotely surprised that all four main actors have Emmys for this series) but Debra Messing is really in a league of her own in terms of timing and emotion and her ability to make some really unlikeable qualities really fascinating.

I’ve actually been in almost that exact kind of situation and came to that same conclusion. Definitely of the opinion that no matter how many terrible decisions you make, any good you try to do later on is still meaningful in some way.

Or, ideally, in someone else’s.

Absolutely agree on “Jeremy Bearimy”, “Michael’s Gambit” and “Dance Dance Resolution” (the latter of which is probably my most-rewatched episode, too).

I think this film qualifies for “classic” status at this point.

Not gonna lie, it was the Happy Endings GIF that made me upvote the above comment. Probably my favourite comedy series of this decade (not counting The Good Place because it’s still going, and with some possible competition from Better Off Ted and Parks & Rec).

Don’t worry, they’re mostly exaggerating. Huntsman spiders are large, but in my experience they’re typically more like the size of... I dunno, like the diameter of a tennis ball, maybe a touch smaller? That’s including the legs.

That might not have been the biggest laugh for me, but it was definitely my favourite moment. The writers and Rebecca Hazlewood have done a great job of making Kamilah possibly the most unlikeable character in this series.

Oh yeah! I forgot that we saw Eleanor giving her boyfriend hell about that in some of her season one flashbacks. I think my stance is somewhere between Eleanor’s and Chidi’s on that issue.

I really love the way this show illustrates that being a good person (whatever that entails) is largely impacted by the environments we live in. It resonates strongly with my own life experiences and attempts to be a better person; a traumatic childhood surrounded by deeply repressed people led me to seek out similar

Although the first post in this thread did have a “what about the men?” tone to it, that person clarified that their concern was with the review (and, by the sound of things, the show) framing this issue as an *exclusively* female problem.

It was also used in the third episode of Rectify (which, by the way, is an absolutely stunning show).