
Gosh, it’s almost as if he’s experiencing the same kinds of anxieties and symptoms that many women often experience as a result of being sexually assaulted and having their entire lives exposed if they report it!

Because I’m in the greys, and I know you “know” me, I’ll post this here:

So like ... can I have maternity leave? Affordable prenatal care? Any treatment for my battered lady-bits after birth? Help with childcare? (My parents live very, very far away and I really like what I do for a living.) Will my daughters be able to get jobs where they won’t be harassed by their employers, or is their

Men know rape is a bad word, but think the action of rape is just fine. They refuse to admit otherwise.

Crazy how much people overthink how complicated this all is. It’s really easy to understand!

What I remember and love the most about Day After Tomorrow was the scene about Mexico closing its border to Americans fleeing south. An ironic response our country completely deserves.

Holy shit this is amazing and insightful—thanks for writing this! I think it’s essentially gendered and, going along with that, it evokes “childish” behavior. We say this phrase to women and to children in public—and infantilizing women is so effective on women because we’re usually the caregivers. When someone says,

LOL nope. The fact that you can’t distinguish between the kind of bias a parent has towards their own child and the institutional biases most of us have in general tells me all I need to know. And in terms of child welfare specifically, as we can in the prominent example here and many were quick to point out,

And yet very often, factually and statistically, it does. Your experience is biased towards your child. A professional is able to evaluate your child without bias. In other countries, the idea of homeschooling your child, for example, is seen as completely insane. Why would you, random parent, be able to educate your

And she also attacked a toddler with a weapon. If someone attacked you with a weapon, you would expect that person to be arrested and jailed.

What on earth. How is it even possible that this good Christian man doesn’t have a job, while Joel Osteen continues his reign of prosperity gospel BS?

Not going to change your mind which is fine.
I’d only like to confirm that the author is not “revoking” consent, rather, as I understood it, she’s saying that consent was granted with great internal reservation.

Jon Stark is from a family species genus family order class phylum kingdom known for doing stupid things to get with beautiful ladies.

When I first started to think OB might be for me, multiple people tried to warn me off it, saying that OBs are “too intense” or that I’d get “eaten alive for being too nice.” It really freaked me out because these were all otherwise reasonable people, but then I got to med school and realized that a) being “nice” will

Yea, I hadn’t thought of it that way, but definitely true. As a student, my SO (female) was never assumed to be a medical student, resident or doctor - it was ALWAYS nurse.

You think it’s bizarre that women, who are sexually assaulted at an astronomic rate, tend to prefer female physicians for their sexual and reproductive care? You can’t think of any reason that might be rational or necessary?

I agree with some of the replies you’ve received about all of the psychological/emotional reasons some don’t feel comfortable with a male OB/GYN, and even though I’ve worked through a lot of things, I still have one major roadblock. . .I feel a bit like “I wouldn’t have someone who never drove or owned a car to be my

we are regularly told to be nicer

That you resent women for having a perfectly understandable preference and don’t demonstrate a shred of compassion or understanding here makes me super glad you quit.

I am an OBGYN, just finished residency. And no, the inhospitable legal environment is NOT a thin argument. It was one of the biggest reasons I decided to subspecialize and get out of obstetrics. Not to mention then grueling hours, the knowledge that you will likely spend at least 1 night a week in the hospital the