Eurin in the books sort of defies explanation, and there's a very strange, terrible sense of magic and doom about him.
Eurin in the books sort of defies explanation, and there's a very strange, terrible sense of magic and doom about him.
"Oberyn wanted vengeance for Elia. Now the three of you want vengeance for him. I have four daughters, I remind you. Your sisters. My Elia is fourteen, almost a woman. Obella is twelve, on the brink of maidenhood. They worship you, as Dorea and Loreza worship them. If you should die, must El and Obella seek vengeance…
Citation needed? Watch the episode.
I'm so conflicted over this post. I agree with you about the show but the books…
Oh you poor, sweet child.
Jesus, are you dense?
Yeah, but it's based in what happens in the book, rather than creating a completely different character wholesale in what is supposed to be an adaptation.
My interpretation doesn't have Ellaria murdering a white girl via a titillating deep kiss.
1. Hypersexualized. We see Ellaria never actually engage in anything, infact, the only female to female interaction we hear about is A. Rumors from Shae, B. An incident where Olenna calls her a whore, C. A kind smile to Sansa. Otherwise, she is presented as caring mother and wife, and a strong and kind woman. We…
Or that time they turned a pacifist brown woman into a hypersexualized bisexual murderer who killed the innocent white girl with a kiss. That was a thing too.
I am really enjoying watching a labyrinthine, intricately plotted fantasy series filled with monsters and monster like men, resurrection, and intrigue, featuring an ensemble cast with a tortured, tragic blond woman and a taciturn, righteous brunette man at its center.
Tyrion spotted her. She was trying to get out there without being seen by Tyrion. The man responsible in her mind, of the family dead set against hers, found her far away from where she was supposed to be, on a clandestine mission. The minute Tyrion spotted her, it was either let him go to tell the Lannisters that…
This comment is a thing of beauty. Thank you.
Goodnight, sweet prince.
Jesus. All the evidence she had up until that point points to Tyrion.
There's also Dorne.
Benioff and Weiss also thought it was a great idea to rape Sansa.
Thank you, but I've loved Donnie Yen since Wing Chun. /Endhipster moment
That's fair - I would say that Anansi was specifically invoked and prayed that, rather than the nebulous-ish ties to Bilquis and the girl in Tehran. Maybe she was an antiquities student, or part of a secret Bilquis cult. :3
Well, Wednesday explicitly can't travel back to the old-world - it's why he couldn't come and get Shadow when he learned of his birth. His mom was out of the country.