
Yeah, I couldn't help but think of the massive resources for such a place, unless it's the location of the "adult center" versus the family friendly Sweetwater.

Oh Cy, I'm so happy to see you here in another Western show comments section.

Well, I wonder if it's partly because a guest is with her?

I feel like now might be a sort of acceptable time to fanfic - as in, I do think we could ha e had the final fight be with Cage and Cottonmouth, and still had Mariah's killing Cottonmouth afterwards, to start her on her own path as Luke started his.

Hannibal rocked it so much. RIP, you beautiful monster.

Silly rabbit, that would mean mothers matter. :P

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I don't know if her entire leg was cut off, or if it was just carved a bit.

That's fair.

It's American Horror Story - I'd be shocked if they didn't.

I kind of appreciate the use of fake animals too - I've never been horseback riding, so it's part of the appeal, and I'd imagine they're extremely docile and don't buck, tire, or poop. Saves on the clean up.

Yeah - configured that it would mean she might be cast as the first surpreme, as a tie in.

Well, it could be a matter of perspective: The real Thomasyn would have been at the top of the social foodchain of the colono, and would have dressed according - the reenactment would have been costumed designed - and keep in mind, what Agnes was wearing would have been the base of the outfit the real Butcher was

There were people credited as "The Real Butcher", "The Real Witch" and the "The Real EP Mott" but I wonder if they were just placeholders for this episode.

Oh man. It was a crazy intense ride. Like, I've seen people comment that while other AHS episodes felt like thrillers, this felt like straight up horror.

This is dangerously close to rewriting things, but I think expanding what they did do with Mariah - having her come into her own as a fully fledged queenpin the way Luke Cage accepts his hero mantle could have been really compelling.

I'll allow it.

Noooo. Nooooooooooooo.

While I agree it's dubious to start writing about "This how they could have done it better," I do think the criticism of the deployment of Diamondback is still valid. It's hard to refrain from commenting on how it could have been when the execution is so lackluster.

RE: Gaming elements - things like the hosts, (repeated language, NPCs or non playable characters, being in loops of behavior; the whole notion of "quests" the NPC's can give you - even things like looting) they're all explained well enough that I don't think you're missing out, but it plays like a live action, open