Believing women are people is uninteresting. Got it.
Believing women are people is uninteresting. Got it.
The answer is "Toxic masculinity" ;)
And believing that woman are people with the right to be the social, economic, and political equals of men. That will help too.
That was pretty jarring.
"I don't view it through a gendered lens" - since we've entered this discussion, you've refused to give any ground to the notion that gender has affected a subset of humans' ability to claim rights you consider intrinsic to the human race.
I thought the implication was that Kilgrave knew when and where Hope was being released, and he was there when she stepped out of the prison, so she didn't really have any option/choice. She's not immune like Jessica is.
I thought it was actually Wendy and Jeri's home, but Wendy was living there while Jeri might have gone elsewhere when they split. When Pam couldn't find Jeri wherever, she checked their house.
Well, as a human being and a woman, to divorce myself of my identity, and the history and experience of that, is to become a nonperson, and also robs me of the ability to empathize with other people and their struggles with inequality.
"I don't view it through a gender lens, no. It is a human rights issue."
I also tihnk, and this was a relatively tiny detail, that even Kilgrave makes a point that when he told her to take him to someone she trusts, she took him to Wendy's, and there was a moment when she asked him to 'not do this, she changed her mind' or something. That relationship wasn't completely over, and this was…
You seem unable to concede that women have intrinsic human rights, because you don't see the world through a gendered lens, because you are so unwilling to accept the label of feminist.
You stated outright you choose to disregard gender and ascribe to the humanist mode of thought, that human beings, per your definition, have intrinsic rights.
When you show me that women are politically, socially, and economically equal to men, I will back down and cede to your superior sense of logic.
Absent of a focus is warranted, beneficial, or effective?
Dunno, if one denies that women, who continue to be at a disadvantage socially, economically, and politically in comparison to their male counterparts, then there's little hope that such equality can ever truly be reached.
Last time i checked, women were humans too.
And as you are not a feminist, you don't support woman's rights on the ground of political, social, and economic equality to men?
And that exactly conflicts with humanism how?
Because again, it seems that you don't believe feminism is about women having equal social, economic, political rights as men do. Are you suggesting that feminism is about women's superiority, rather an equality to men? Because that's at odds with the definition you provided.
Well, see, believing that :