
"There are too many characters, let's cut Arianne!"…

Uh, I don't think we read the same chapters.

Please, dead is dead…until he's resurrected.

Five seasons in, and we need rape to remind us Westeros is a bad place? Or that Ramsay isn't necessarily a fun guy to be around?

I think you are wrong. Context, context, context.

We can only hope.

Yay, another member for the club!

Sorry, believe it or not, I don't know the book off the top of my head.

What I really don't like is the fact that's not executed worth a damn. You can have all the fancy costumes and great actors and stunning cinematography, but when there isn't any consistency in quality of writing and plotting, it falls apart. Your Big Changes (that don't really change anything) don't mean anything.

Disillusioned over Derrieries?

I'd argue that Ramsay knew exactly what he was inflicting.

And that is when one chooses to burn alive your heir.

I have a history with Peter that includes being called a few of those monikers.

We should start a club.

GoT being #1 does make put it under more scrutiny, I'll give you that much. But exactly how do people want to alter the creative process? Better quality writing WRT serious subject matter? Streamlining deviations that ultimately go nowhere and waste time better spent elsewhere?

To clarify, he even mentions cutting up the dead horses for food. They weren't entirely without resources.

Exactly how is any of Arianne's characterization in this amalgation of Ellaria?

You poor thing.

My issue with the rape scene (I won't argue that raping isn't a logical action for the character of Ramsay, though there were/are several external circumstances that could have given way to other solutions or scenarios) is the depiction and the aftermath.

There was a lot of discussion and issues over the extended sequence of Theon torture porn.