
This is the primary reason that I really don't mind Pod the Rod (though my headcanon is that he's actually attentive and sweet and treats the whores like ladies, rather than any crazy sexual prowess) shenanigans, or some of the Greyworm/Missendei stuff.

"Cogman added that the scene is also “an important turning point” for Sansa. “She’s seen Theon and hated him and thinks he killed her brothers and betrayed them but she’s very conflicted by what she’s seeing there,” he said. "

Oh no, I'm serious. I want to see where Westeros is on the map so I can delve further into the authenticity of the medieval society it's depicting?

Care to point out Westeros on a map of Europe for me?

That has been a theory floating around.

I'm not sure about that. They openly threaten Doran and his ward, which is a huge slight on his honor, Dorne's reputation, and the political situation seems very volatile. I always through it was a very clear sense of Doran being practical and pragmatic, than a plot device.

Fair enough. The petulance just feels more in line with someone younger, IMO. It's small potatoes, admittedly.

You're right. Spartacus did rape and violence so much better.

But the Sand Snakes didn't have that arc. They were locked up immediately, off screen, after their introduction.

Because it shouldn't be about Myrcella. It should be about Arianne forming and making and executing her own plans. The Game of Thrones in the Dornish Court.

But this isn't medieval society. This isn't done documentary or retelling of real historic events. It's fiction. It's speculative fiction with medi-fantasy trappings. It wasn't written by a medieval man, it wasn't produced and directed by medieval men. These are conscious choices to put and display such things in such

Only the Boltons and the Starks exist in the North.

Because their favorite part of that storyline wasn't the pies, or Manderly, but keeping Jeyne/Sansa locked in a room to be raped repeatedly until she grows as a character. The important stuff, duh.

You're so cute.

I just can't quit you.

Wow, it's like you talked to me like a human being to another human being, without being a complete douche about "double standards" WRT this scene and the Rape issues.

I just can't quit you, Shrike.

Well, locked and raped in her room, sassy one liners, pointy macguffin….

….We watching the same show?

His actions just make so much more sense coming from a child.