Yeah, it’s my favorite, too. And while Lazenby isn’t my favorite Bond, he was perfect for this movie.
Yeah, it’s my favorite, too. And while Lazenby isn’t my favorite Bond, he was perfect for this movie.
No one is saying it (so far) so I will. Best Bond movie ever. Not best Bond. But best Bond movie.
I’m currently re-reading My Brilliant Friend, and the casting seems pretty spot-on looks wise to me. Especially the teenage Lenu- she goes into great detail about her skin. I’m so excited for this!!!
Foreskin skin grafts are a thing, but yeah...idk how one can leap from “legit medical use” to “maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s BabyPeen!”
I can get behind this casting for Elena and Lila. I imagine Lila to look scrappy and lean and Elena to look studious. I didn’t know HBO was doing an adaptation. Don’t fuck it up, HBO.
Not to get all cheesy on yall, but one of the best things about being a woman is listening to other women talk about their beauty products/routines. I love the pure, helpful vibe I always get from these conversations and articles. It’s like an exclusive club with its own secret language we get to be a part of! I love…
Listen. Having a THIRD baby shower seems a little tacky, but for people saying that Kim can’t have a shower because “she’s not even pregnant,” I just have this to say: fuck you very much. My daughter was born via surrogate, and I was a joyful and excited expectant mother even though I couldn’t gestate her myself. I…
Farrow is really doing a good job. I was all prepared to look down my nose at his work, but he’s solid.
Pro tip: just being a decent person is way cheaper and easier.
LARP pouches 4 life!
Sadly, I think Bush’s age is showing. As dementia and/or Alzheimer’s or other aging diseases that affect the brain set in, we often start seeing inappropriate behavior. Typically, the inappropriate behavior never occurred before - it’s completely a function of how the brain is degenerating - but childlike impulses,…
I get why people need to view things this way, it helps them cope with their own or their loved ones breakups, but the reality is if two people were together for 22 years it was because they were aiming for a lifetime. No rational human being wants to start afresh after 22 years unless the relationship is…
Would you likewise say that Tamblyn should have run her tweets by Cross? I don’t think either has the obligation to consult the other.
Christina’s vocal runs are so overblown though... it only gets you so far when all you want to do is somersault all over a track.
This just solidifies my opinion that David Cross is an asshole, but not an abuser. It sounds like they have a really good relationship, those two. You can love somebody and still acknowledge their faults.
Sounds like that assistant deserves a fair amount of the public vitriol as well.
I think this quest to shame everyone who ever heard the rumor is misguided. It’s not going to accomplish what people think it will.
“Nice work!” —Onan