
I’m just glad she learned this lesson for a disease like rotavirus instead of something more dangerous or more likely to have long term effects!

It’s not only that, it’s that people don’t know how to critically evaluate the sources that they find. They think everything on the internet is true and if someone wrote something, it must be correct. Look at the damn source and THINK about it.

Well it’s a shame it took her whole family getting sick but it’s refreshing to hear an anti-vaxxer say “I was wrong, I was batshit, I’ve since researched and have changed my mind”.

seriously, how are people that bad at math

I’m pretty sure Taylor Swift’s heart belongs to Taylor Swift. She’s the love of her own life, Narcissus-style.

Miles Teller has negative integer charisma.

That’s awesome. My stepdaughter’s first baby was a tough labor for her. I, being stepdad, felt like a complete 9th wheel in the room, but whenever the contractions got severe she called for me to come hold her hand, stroke her hair, and talk to her. She said later that I was the one calming presence during the whole

I have never had any interest whatsoever in a threesome. I’m not morally opposed but I suspect it’s like showering with a partner—one of you is always standing away from the water, feeling chilly with shampoo in your hair.

There are many Worlds of Porn. Some are absolutely dangerous to women — those women who appear in them and those whose male [boyfriends, captors, rapists, stepfathers, uncles et al.] are “inspired” by them. People getting off as consensual adults is the best case scenario of porn, but it’s sure as fuck not the only

Yup. Just let her have this

I say that if pursuing this calling helps her feel better, then we leave her be. She’s not likely to convince anyone of anything, nor harm anyone else.

I’d rather see a woman nursing (including possible seeing OMGSH! her nipple!) than hear a crying baby. Why is this STILL going on?

Seriously?! Not just all of this ridiculousness, but you DIDN’T GO WITH YOUR WIFE WHEN SHE WAS COMPETING IN THE OLYMPICS?!?! How many Superbowls did you make her sit through? She literally competes one week every four years. WTF?

Taipei (capital city of Taiwan), voted in a surgeon for mayor and he’s been nothing but a disaster. So I’d suggest those looking for “outsiders” see how other places fared.

He is if nothing else; an honest Libertarian candidate. If you understand Libertarian ideology, then you can predict Johnson’s views and choices on 99% of things without fail. Since Libertarians are hardcore idealists who are completely blind to what’s practical and reality in general.

Once again for the cheap seats in the back: Gary Johnson originally won his seat as governor by a split in the progressive vote, and proceeded to tank the state with his “policies.” His policies were basically vetoing every piece of legislation that crossed his desk.

My biggest take-away from the Bloom photos (you’re goddamn right I clicked that link!) is relief that Katy Perry, too, has cellulite. Celebrities - they’re just like us!

The other thing I notice is that Wolf repeatedly apologizes to the woman and notes how humiliating this must be for her. The judge is not a hero—but this should be obvious to anyone who recognizes that black women possess the same humanity as everyone else.

What does the kid who thinks he’s a fox say?

Even I can’t be cynical about Orlando Bloom taking pictures of Katy Perry’s speech and performance. That’s supportive and adorable.