
Wow. My son’s middle name is a surname that you’d never ever want to call a kid by because it was his dad’s and granddad’s and great-granddad’s middle name, and his great-great-grandmother’s maiden name. My brother’s is also a surname for similar reasons. Using a family name/conglomeration of family names in the

Overall, I appreciate the point that you are making, but I think you underestimate the importance of people who were “merely” creeped-out by predators speaking up. Being creeped out is a legitimate and valuable visceral reaction to encountering someone who is a predator. Every woman out there, if you haven’t got one

As a 33 year old with a 2 year old and a 5 year old that travels and camps frequently as a family, this article is relevant to my interests. Some stuff I quite agree with, some stuff I just just odd. That being said a lot of that is probably due to the fact that I grew up in the desert and traveling around. In fact, th

But where is Dermot Mulrooney.

Every time a member at my church goes in for surgery or a medical treatment, the first thing we do is pray for the hands of the doctor, nurses and medical staff. Miracles are worked through their hands, denying the miraculousness of modern medicine is ludacris.

I have never felt pain quite like the pain of giant veiny-blue engorged breasts.

Unlike many (many many many) birthing trends, I’m actually cool with this one. I mean, I get being squicked out, but the idea has some solid merit. Most babies pass through the vagina and get well and truly rubbed in its juices during the birthing process; that’s not gross, right? Why is this? Colonization by the

They meant that the increase in synchronous beats was statistically significant within 1 second of initiation of gaze.

I'm a Neonatologist and that was my first thought too. So I looked up the study, they were looking at synchrony, the frequency with which maternal heartbeats matched their infants compared to mothers and babies who were not their infants. The acutal mom-baby pairs had a higher frequency of synchronous beats than