
The more I think about it, the more I'm on the "cheap and manipulative" side of the opinion spectrum. On one hand, as a fan of Root, Shaw, and their romance, this episode gave me about 60% of everything I wanted, regarding their relationship. On the other hand, the episode spent a lot of the show’s precious remaining

Ye olde casino and ye olde Fight Club in a single episode? Sometimes, I think my long-held days-old fever dream of a Reign / Supergirl crossover isn't in fact impossible.

I absolutely loved Claude this episode. She wasn't in it a lot, but her pep felt like an absolutely vital part of the show's emotional rhythm. Somebody needs to be happy, and it looks so good on her.

I really quite loved the scene between Jax and Mama Jefferson. More of that, please, show.

If this episode had a saving grace, it was Sara's shirt. Damn.

I'm so glad to have this show back. Seeing it paired with Jane the Virgin will take some getting used to, though.

Meh. That show has been going downhill since season 3.

Oh dear lord. They're not? *Head explodes.*

The second (fantastic, except for the parts listed in the review with Peyton, Ravi, and Blaine) finale reminded me quite a bit Galavant's, in a good way. There's just something very appealing about seeing an nontraditional take on a genre prove that it can be traditional as well.

You know, I was actually enjoying this episode. Everything Zach Handlen says about it is true, and yet, I was still willing to go along for the ride, and was enjoying seeing Pandora not giving a fuck about being a widow and Headless and August. I even sorta enjoyed, despite myself, the idea of Ichabod and Abbie

Re: Parity in the writers' room. On one hand, yes. On the other hand, I also think there might be something more specific at play. I've been thinking this week about how every criticism levied against Katrina and Katia Winters can also be levied against a character from another show…Lauren Reed (Melissa George) from Al

Sorry if I misrepresented your opinion: I imagined that not all of the comparisons were dismissive, but I also felt that enough of them were that it merited mention. I agree with you about the villains; this was a step forward, one which I'm quite happy about.

The comparisons between this incarnation of Sleepy Hollow and shows like Power Rangers and anime like the original Sailor Moon (which itself helped inspire Buffy, which currently inspires this show) tend to be common, and spot on, but also tend to be used as a dismissal. Personally, I love that this is what Sleepy

How Chief and Don E discovered Major is one of the clearer things, I think. As I understood it Major was working on one of the people on the list who was also a Blaine client (or possibly employee), and was overpowered. The client called Blaine and arranged to have him sent there.

Although I loved this episode for the most part, I would not describe it as uncompromising, given that I suspected for a second, that it would go there—an actual suicide attempt—and didn't. While I understand why the show wouldn't—it's one hell of a Rubicon, and not something to be attempted lightly—I feel, in

Not the season's best episode, but among the top three (the other two being the Dr. Light / Linda ones), thanks in large part for the way overdue focus on Iris, in a story that showcases her courage, conviction, and tenacity This is how I wish she'd been used all this season.

I disagree. Opportunities exist, and if the series isn't taking advantage of them, it's largely because they either don't see them (possible) or don't wish to do so.

Yes, to all of this. Seasons 1 and 2 are so cocky that the moments when the quality doesn't match up to its self-confidence—which can actually be rather often—can be make the series quite unfun to watch.. Meanwhile, Alias in season 4 and 5 is a series that knows its strengths and weaknesses, and is freer to do what

I'm really surprised at how invested I am in Claude and Leith's relationship, given how much I disliked the latter in previous seasons. I'm also rather surprised to that his arc has remained somewhat consistent, all the while. Here's hoping the series doesn't give in to the temptation of making him and Greer

I'm not pissed off, per se, but I am disappointed that they've managed to crib so much from it without replicating a whole lot of what makes Who fun.