
Good luck with that. It's been a long time since Ferrari has made anything beautiful.

Micholotto Ferrari 308 GTB

Well, it's hard to resist, and they are human, after all...

Apparently Daft Punk like the 400i as well.

11/10 would spoon:

Why yes, the F355 might be my favorite Ferrari. How did you know?!

TEchnically not a snow plow but ill let it go. Can-Anular combustion chambers are so cool looking when not shrouded.


Yes, but the Sea Duck is simply the most awesome plane in the history of ever. I remember building my own model of one out of LEGOs when I was a kid.

Swat Katz STILL has one of the best intros simply because of that badass guitar riff.

Now playing

I find that any Quattro Audi works pretty well...

Or how Becka was able to afford all of that fuel and insurance, while trying to raise a kid on her own. Kind of a grown up show for its time...and audience.

Say a command :

No love for the old Bugati EB110's engine?

I'm sure Lauda was pissed.

I don't know how I've never heard about this race before, but damn was that hilariously entertaining. Imagine the driver's meeting before the next race....

I bought this bad ass Morgan sheepskin jacket at the factory in malvern for $600. So worth it. After seeing that place I wanted to spend money on ANYTHING to be a part of that brand.

Doubt many tears will be shed here for this car…but the old one was Jalop as fuck.