I wanna touch this.
I wanna touch this.
In a heartbeat
Because no real B pillars
Dat everything
Don't fuck with Rodan.
such beauty
Best Headline Since Ever
The Flood
nice Elise you got there
GOOSEBUMPS all over my body. Also, not just "Leaving Earth", but the "An End Once And For All" is there also. GENIOUS
Aston-ishing. Hahaa
If you take a closer look, you will realise that the windows are the ones placed wrong, and the shield is OK
And this is also yes.
This is just yes.
I really want a good looking korean little sports car, and the Kia GT4 was almost at it, but this... this is all of my nopes.
mega love
I have the weirdest... nah it's not even weird, it's a proper boner.
dat ass