the car was clearly unbalanced - the driver's hugeass steel balls caused the accident
dude this is fat
exactly what I would do, great job
Dude, why photo the dark side?
The way the back course flowed was unreal. Corners opening up into esses, one turn connecting into the next, fast sweepers slowing into decreasing rights. The back straight as the V8 roared, the speedo topped 140, and the sun dipped below the horizon. It's not something I'm about to forget.
The truth in this, makes me sad.:(
dafuq man?
that shifter looks epicly heavy
THIS. Is beautiful. Appropriate successor to the Gallardo.
oh Kel'thuzad, u bitch
Oh god you are right.
And that's why I hate him
LOL I don't care, still want the Alfa
just imagine the bloke who first made this reaction... i think they ran for a priest pretty fast
yeah it was just too perfect for us mortals to have
well hello there Carmageddon, it's been a while