
Is this a joke... ? Why does her stylist hate her?

it’s worse than’s a dress.


Isn't that just like... how he is?

He could post literal gibberish and I would still climb him like a tree.

I’m amazed Lena Dunhams poor, bedraggled iPhone hasn’t committed iSuicide yet. Having to listen to her awful Dunpinions all fucking day and night would suck and blow.

I’m going to give him a pass, because you just can’t hate on a 20+ year crush, but is the Downey tweet a little uncharacteristically douche-y? Intentional?

Did Lena Dunham travel back in time to the 70s and raid my teenaged mother’s closet to get that shirt?

Bear in mind the pain of that burn the next time you think you can prevent the flu with yak testicles or whatever you idiots believe nowadays.

These are the consequences of chemophobia. I’ll stick with my Banana Boat sunscreen.

It’s almost like the active ingredients actively do something! It’s almost like Banana Boat isn’t trying to poison your children.

But she isnt like other girls. This woman has been conditioned since before she could tie her own shoes to kick ass. She isnt like any other competitor in her sport either. Without even trying that hard she set a record for fastest championship match and only match to be won without throwing a single strike. She IS

I know she’s going to get reamed as problematic, but what I’ve discovered is anything you claim that you are and are proud of, you’re will seem to be tacitly or explicitly denouncing other things.

Eh, I feel like the “hot hacker chick” is at least kind of a media staple.

8 inches is so normal! So average. If you’re not at least 10 inches, I don’t even know.

Check out this gem of a sentence from E Online:

I thought a ghost was feeling up Katy Perry until I realized it was her shadow. It’s been a long week with my aunt’s funeral.

Harry Styles doesn’t want to be reminded about Zayn Malik leaving One Direction.

“Amy Schumer has a lot of friends and Ed Sheeran is still annoying.”

For fuck sake, seriously? So in this scenario, it doesn’t matter if the story was irredeemably flawed as long as it raises awareness? Fuck that shit. It was a terrible story and we don’t need help like that.