hey here is a joke, what is the difference between Jews and Brits? Brits leave with out saying bye, Jews say bye but never leave.
hey here is a joke, what is the difference between Jews and Brits? Brits leave with out saying bye, Jews say bye but never leave.
Well said. I agree with everything you say, but in my case I’m a gay man. In half the countries on earth I’d be dead by now. In America? I can be married.
All I’m going to say is there are so many countries where I could not exist. I am a female, educated, single, able to own my own property, my own money, choose who I socialize with and date, work at a job, drive a car, vote, and above all, I can criticize my government as openly as I want. We ain’t perfect, but we’re…
Decent human being? What a joke. Still waiting on those emails.
It’s almost like she spent her entire political career until two and a half years ago working to deny gays the right to marry or something and only changed that position when it became politically convenient.
But as a Senator, she was right at the forefront, risking her own political ambitions:
Going to say this once, if your response to a marginalised person critiquing someone who is running to be the most powerful electable person in the world is ‘well go vote for Bush then’ you are an asshole of epic proportions.
best of the worst??? Have you heard of Bernie Sanders???
Well, in her term as “Get out of the country so I don’t have to deal with you, thanks, President Obama” she didn’t do anything to advance gay rights globally, and that Enron-like Clinton Foundation sucks up hundreds of millions of dollars from countries where I’d be imprisoned at best and beheaded at worst. And her…
I'm an army brat - he's most likely going to be given a Big Chicken Dinner (bad conduct discharge) and will do some time at Leavenworth. The army doesn't so much care for crap publicity like this from idiots who can't keep their shit together, especially in light of the recent Charleston murders.
“I identify as a 26 year old cancer patient.” Discussion over, apparently.
Inspired by the Rachel Dolezal Method of non-answers.
From the time she was first born, she was always raised as being currently a 26 year old. It’s a parenting/life strategy.
“I’ve always been raised as being currently a 26-year-old,”
After Jez’s problematic headline the other day concerning mental illness, I’m loathe to say this here, but. He was either intending to do harm, or clearly suffers from something, PTSD or who knows. There’s no rational explanation for this otherwise. I’d say stupidity, but I’m not sure there’s a level of stupidity that…
Wouldn’t it be cool if there was some way to take your picture without going to Sears Photo Studio or Glamour Shots? (glamour SHOTS?)
What is this supposed to mean? If he was the nicest kid in middle school, that she used to play football with, why wouldn’t she be surprised to see him there?
She is a judge, and they were in court, so I understand her demeanor to a certain degree. It was just hard to watch him cry. I think this was most likely a humiliating experience for him to have her see him this way. He broke down and cried. It was awful.
She’s so despicable that I’ll go there.