Holding someone responsible for the shitty things they’ve done doesn’t mean that’s the *only* topic you’re allowed to talk about in connection to them.
Holding someone responsible for the shitty things they’ve done doesn’t mean that’s the *only* topic you’re allowed to talk about in connection to them.
I’m not a big fan of a lot of Dan Savage’s opinions—besides his views on trans and bisexual people, he’s made a number of incredibly sexist comments over the years, and then spent an insane amount of time throwing tantrums about all the mean, horrible women who called him out on them
Yeah, as much as I love the idea of a comedy about a gay teen in a Catholic family
so are we just going to let the fact that Dan Savage is incredibly transaphobic just slide by, I mean Dan Savage completely agrees with Santorm’s stance on trans people
so by that logic, you don’t mind if someone says somethnig offensive as long as they say they were trolling or it was just a joke right?
how many people are in this thing? it’s like the women version of band of brothers, everyone who is working in hollywood right now seems to have a role on this show
that has got to be on of the stupidest explanations i have ever heard, Everyone knows that “its only a character; its satire” is an idiotic cop-out, why do you think Jezebel doesn’t let that shit slide
Obama wasn’t a from the rear victory, he was a frontrunning since super tuesday, whic now that i think about it, sometimes falls on fat tuesday, yep in 2008, it was superfat tuesday
every day brings us closer to the inevitable Anna Kendrick backlash, does anyone remember how all of the internet loved Jennifer Lawrence this time last year
so you never had a personally problem in your life? you were instantly good at everything ever?
The Brits made it a law that you couldn’t have a panel show without a woman on it a year or so ago
that show was on like 10 years ago, it seems odd to bring it up now, might as well be hating Stephen Colbert for stuff like this
sorry, i thought we should be happy there are no women wasting their entire lives on something as stupid as eSports, you might as well be complaining that there is a dearth of women in the KKK
apparently you’re the only one, and you also hate women. Jezebel is weird
the only thing worse than David Letterman is Stephen Colbert
wow, someone hates women, just because you can’t pull that dress off doesn’t mean anyone can’t wear it. You do know that’s the same reasoning that makes old women demand backless dresses be banned from prom right?
great explaination of Gawker trolling people every few months, like with their sabotaging of the coke campagin
you do know Gawker did basically the same thing a few months ago with Coke’s campagin right? if anything you’re supporting and enabling trolls by going to this sight
i forgot not everyone watched Ferguson, after enough epissodes Geoff and the horse are just a normal part of the show