
one-third of T***p supporters don’t plan to get the vaccine—

Let them die.

Your screen name is magical.

I live in Alabama. Anti-vax attitudes are not just about Trump. Evangelicals rule here, and I’m sure a good portion of that crowd is like my fundie family members who believe the vaccine is the Mark of the Beast. The fact that they actually voted for a minion of the Beast is lost on them.

Not MY face!” he exclaimed.

No problem I’ll do it for you. I’ve lost friends to suicide, and C19 because of that prick and the fucking monsters he enabled. I want them to die, conscious, gasping for one more breath as their bodies slowly suffocate them.

They deserve ever bad thing coming their way, and I will cheer every fucking second of it.

The creature has slipped its bonds, attacked its creator and escaped the lab.

Wow, we finally found something chuds believe in more than Trump.

In their minds, though, it’s not a contradiction, because it’s not really about what they’re saying. It’s about the emotional truth that the platitudes are covering up.   

What he says about the vaccine now is meaningless; I actually think what matters more is that this piece of shit isn’t even acknowledging the fact that he absolutely would not be alive right now had it not been for the fact that he, as President, was given a tier of medical treatment for covid that almost none of us

My favorite contradiction from trumpists.


I never actively wish for someone’s death, no matter how loathsome or stupid they are, but I am finding it harder and harder to care about the fate of the “FUCK YOUR FEELINGS LIBTARD” crew as they actively try to shorten their lives and the lives of everyone around them.  My family and I are vaccinated, I know that’s

“But I happen to take the vaccine,” he said. “If it doesn’t work, you’ll be the first to know. OK.”

This could have only happened to someone lazy enough to go bankrupt running casinos. He had a pretty much unlimited budget to roll out what should have been a slam-dunk product, but just couldn’t be bothered to close the deal.

Darwin awards recipients don’t drag everyone down with them

That’s why they booed him.

Not fast enough.

I hope more and more supporters boo him so that he decides he will quit public speaking all together because everyone knows he is a snowflake

We are seeing the Darwin awards in live action....