
And it’s impossible to reply half the time. I can never get back to the person’s comment to even star it, can’t follow conversations, have to reply to people if I happen to see them on other blog posts or convos. I always try to respond to everyone or at least star them, but I can’t even do that most of the time now.

I don’t know about y’all, but I’m over this swamp ass weather we’re having. (in New England not sure about the rest of the country)

So what’s going on? I’m pretty low-tech and able to post, but it seems like things are screwed up.

Yeah, they don’t care. I think they’re just waiting for the end but don’t have the courtesy to tell us. 

Agree. The fun of SNS is the comments and replies. 

please fix kinja

Again, you aren’t wrong. But - I said this in another comment - looking at the culture of that decade and the decades before it, and a couple after it.....teenage girls were not seen as children. They were seen as potential wives and baby makers. Homemakers. It’s gross, and unfortunate. 


Funny you mentioned “Girl, You’ll Be a Woman Soon”, I just mentioned that song upthread. That song is all kinds of icky.


Your comment makes no sense whatsoever. 

Exactly—we are looking at a time that saw a lot of uneven change in social mores, and we have to look at this in a complex way. We’ve got a lot going on here regarding consent and freedom—and a lot of the intentional movement towards sexual freedom, as well as a lot of the “what the hell, I get to do what I want now”

I generally agree. I think the 60's-70's were an especially fraught time for this. Society had somewhat loosened up attitudes to casual sex and it was not nearly the taboo it previously was. However that was NOT accompanied with enough improvement in the conditions of women. They continued to be slut shamed implicitly

This! In the day, it was so engrained in the culture that for young girls being the “girlfriend” of a rock star imbued them with their own kind of status and even fame. Read some of the interviews with Laurie Maddix, one of L.A.’s “baby groupies” of the 1970s (yeah, Google “baby groupies”). She talks about how her

How dare you bring actual stats to this online debate! It’s still gross when you see live concert footage of Old Paul singing it. (and no I don’t think he’s a pedo)

What I’m about to say is for context, it is NOT an EXCUSE, at all.

I’m going to preface this by saying that I’m not specifically addressing Bob Dylan here, and if he groomed and raped a twelve-year-old that is inexcusable and criminal and I think it’s necessary to hold him accountable. But I hold the unpopular opinion that you have to consider social context and what was going on at

I Saw Her Standing There (“She was just 17, if you know what I mean”) was written by Paul McCartney when he was in his teens. 1962 is the year he turned 20. George was 19.

I’m not sure how it works with cases this old, but I imagine that generally they don’t admit it not because the victim would get money, but because it’d basically act as an admission of guilt if it was tried as a legal case - money is one thing, going to jail on a pedophile charge is something VERY different. 

It’s not surprising that so many musicians/artists/directors who thought they were the coolest and the edgiest were trying this bullshit. The film version of Lolita came out in ‘62, and the Beatles and every other rock band were singing about teenagers.