
I bought beer and lime today for micheladas only to get home and realize I have no Worcestershire sauce or Tabasco sauce. Complete fail. It’s warmer than it was supposed to be today and I really want one so I guess I am going back to the store. I TOOK MY BRA OFF DAMN IT.

Congrats on the book deal! That’s exciting.

I’m not so sure it’s as clear cut as that. It seems like indoctrination hangover. Think of the day you wake up after being in a cult. You know you’ve been lied to, but you don’t necessarily know how bad it was. You just know you were vulnerable in some way and someone else took advantage of that.  It takes time to not

You’re very welcome. :) Have a great weekend.

Ayyy. And it's on Netflix no less. My weekend is officially planned. Thank you kindly, stranger. 

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. It is hilarious.

I need to know where this is from. For binging purposes.

Well, it keeps working...

Still don’t see how it flies. How does believing the election was stolen make their actions legal? They’re screwed, I hope.

Part of me wants to see these chucklefucks get off in the hopes they’ll clash with the deniers. As it stands it’s pretty damn satisfying seeing them denounce Trump.

In either case, they would be admitting that their preferred media outlets were lying to them and, by extension, that the regular “liberal” media wasn’t but the “liberal” media is still lying about it being an attack on the Capitol.

Republicans have a long history of using weird bullshit to rile up the ignorant into a mob.

I think that they are trying to claim that they are too fucking stupid to be held accountable for their actions, and that the buck stops somewhere over there. The “too stupid to be responsible” defence is surprisingly popular among Republicans getting caught doing bad things lately.

As long as the article included “The Associated Press reports” then the author of the article can just chop and edit an AP article and decide what is important and what is not. Thus they leave out important quotes like the following:

You misunderstand, jinni. We’ve now come full-circle to the realization that Democrats and Antifa run Fox News. I know, I know...I’m blowing your mind.

Nailed it. There are no words...only this look.

Indeed, been saying this for ages now. 

The GOP went full traitor and voted pretty much en masse to block the investigating committee.

Wait wait wait!

Wait. I thought that it was Democrats and antifa who were the ringleaders.