I will gladly pay $50 to his grifter children for the privilege of pissing on his grave.
I will gladly pay $50 to his grifter children for the privilege of pissing on his grave.
I’m hoping that Mexico will pay to build a wall around the Donald J. Trump Presidential Library- If not, I’ll be happy to kick in a few bucks (as long as there’s no points of entry through the wall. Build his fucking library and then block it off forever.
Here’s my premise: Shuri somehow feels responsible for T’Challa’s death (so obviously it must be related to some new tech that she’s been working on). She’s miserable & withdrawn & treats everyone poorly as she continues to try to perfect THE new suit. She does NOT want to assume the mantle of BP. Shuri stays behind…
Johnny, Joey, & Dee Dee.
The same people who eat possums.
The Toronto Raptors definitely know what’s up:
Hey there, now be fair, all non-sentient life forms also hate him. I also believe that some of the rocks in the local quarry would truly enjoy being flung at his head, but I could be wrong, it's not as if I can talk to rocks.
We never actually met in person, but I almost dated a woman once until she told me that she was afraid of animals. She wasn’t just afraid of snakes & sharks (as I am) and she wasn’t afraid of dogs as a result of PTSD (as can happen if someone’s attacked by a dog as a small child). No. She was afraid of any & all…
Goldenberg's Peanut Chews!
I’m confused. Is your husband Satan?
Not just Obama's VP, but Obama's VP + a Black WOMAN, lol. Bye Donlicia!
Don Junior will be a candidate long before Ivanka will.
Brett LIKES beer!
Without Daddy, I always thought that Don Jr would likely be a coke-addled security guard at a questionable shopping mall in a questionable neighborhood. He would also be dealing drugs to the kids and actively looking for female shoplifters so that he could “interrogate” them in his “office”.
Wait, is this true? I've been dying to be able to purchase TARDIS Blue as a paint colour.
That’s because, just like his hair, he does all of his own make-up. He’s far too vain & insecure to ever let someone see the hideous creature behind the mask.
I gotta admit that I watched more of Trump than Biden for the brief period while they were both on. I saw that Joe was giving sane, well thought out, competent answers, so I decided to check out the Trump shitshow. Despite his initial rage, Trump performed much better than I would have expected. If you were truly an…
A lot of people are saying that it's a beautiful immunity, the likes of which has never been seen before. No one's ever done immunity like that before. It would've taken Biden years to get that immunity.
Nice things are Canadian.
All of the remaining 2020 holidays have either been cancelled or drastically altered up here in Ontario, Canada. Santa Claus is still coming though. Our government always makes sure that Santa has a way.