
Sings: “Flaming Mitch will set the fools on fire”...

Is “set him on fire” one of my options? I seemed to head into this territory with a comment that I made last week and I’m considering just using this as my “go to" response from here on out.  

Wow. Thank you for your comment. So I’ve never actually read “The Art of the Deal”, but your reply leaves me with a lot of questions:

They should (& will) line up an entire cabinet well in advance, but they shouldn't announce anything until they absolutely have to.  There is no benefit to providing Trump with additional targets which will help him to dominate the news cycle.  

I think that their disbelief all comes down to “bodies piled in the streets”. They can continue to deny it as long as someone they’re particularly close to hasn’t died (yet) and there aren’t bodies piled in the streets (yet). They are able to refuse to acknowledge it as an actual threat as a result of the actions of th

One of the best things that could happen to the U.S. right now would be for a high profile member of the Republican government to become severely infected. The “dead within a week or two kind of infection” that one of my acquaintances (52 years old) recently died from. It might wake the willfully ignorant people up to

This sounds quite lovely.  I've had kale be delicious & I've had it be horrible.  It really is all about the preparation.  

Re: squirrels

Consider yourself lucky. I can't get anybody to eat my kale. 

Some people may worship God, but most people choose to worship religion instead. 

Don’t worry. His spawn will be a curse to him. They will denounce his work and each of them will marry partners who are varying combinations of gay black Mexican trans immigrant socialists. 

I think that 14 is much too generous. I was definitely past all of that by age 12, so I'm gonna go with maybe age 11 for him. 

Trump is a bullshitter at every level. An incredibly insecure narcissist who lies incessantly. The one person that he lies to more than anyone else is himself. Deep in his core, he knows that he’s fat & lazy & stupid & he hates himself for it. That’s why he boasts about how great he is. He long ago created his own

In my current Fantasy Trump Death League, I'm going with that he gets the coronavirus really bad, but he then dies from an overdose of that unproven hydroxychlordon drug that he's always pushing.  Yes, I know that's not the actual name of the drug. I'm just way too lazy to Google it right now.  

I propose that she must be subjected to a “russian roulette test" prior to each & every non-essential excursion.  This test would involve the cylinder of the revolver being spun and the trigger being pulled for each of her family members before any unnecessary trips. If she's okay with doing that every time, then let

Possibly. I think that no matter where he's buried, his tacky ass children will erect some sort of "monument" to him which will require paid admission.  The grift will live on as long as stupid white Americans continue to thrive. 

Did they set him on fire? Did they set him on fire? Did they set him on fire? I’m just curious about your dream. (begins looking for matches) 

They should carve the names into the lobbies of whichever buildings he actually owns so that his errors can never be forgotten. It would also drastically reduce the value of his properties because who would really want to live surrounded by the names of thousands of murdered innocents?

His kids could use this idea for one of their future money making scams. 

What's the worst thing that could happen to me for actually pissing on someone's grave? Maybe a "public urination" and/or lewdness charge? I need to make some plans for when this fucker's finally gone for real.