Milquetoast, Harvey

Learn about what you’re talking about.

Come on, man, learn the history of the game. Jerry Kramer’s name is legendary, to those who know shit about shit.

Jerry Kramer was a five-time first-team All-Pro (same as Owens) and one of three guards on the all-decade team for the 1960s—I assumed he already was a Hall of Famer because it’s perfectly obvious that he’s always had that kind of status; he is one of the five or ten most famous guards in the history of the game. He

It happens, no worries.

“Except the arrest rate among all college students is .14%...”

For the record, this tweet was identified as a Photoshop fake by @OldTakesExposed.

“Nobody cares brotha.”

“If you think a stewardess can just open a door mid-flight, you’re a fucking moron.”

Lived in Japan and I was definitely into Sumo for a long time, until I started to realize that there really are many rigged matches, but that’s another story. Anyway, I don’t know where the New York Times got that jealous goddess explanation of the prohibition of women from the dohyo—I guess there must be something to

“Gaslighting has nothing to do with sanity.”

You’re exactly who guns need to be taken away from, prancing around online about how you’re going to the mattresses if you have to. At some point, you’re going to feel you have to live up to your talk, and another coward pulls a gun, unless you’re actually man enough to know that you’re just talking shit online with

You are saying, still, that we should rely on law enforcement to do mental health evaluations, upon request from citizens who have overheard something, and to take action against people they deem to be mentally unfit. You’re still saying that.

As I think about it, I really do wonder, can you hear yourself? You’re proposing a national campaign to rat out wrong-thinking neighbors, family members and coworkers to law enforcement. I don’t get why gun lovers are such cop lovers—the original idea was your gun was supposed to give you freedom from the iron fist,

Sometimes you gotta break a few rotten eggs.

“I think mass shootings are just a modern form of that and can be equally cured.”

As you get older, it’s natural to become less interested in sitting on your ass watching other people do things on TV.

Obviously moral or civic virtue is not correlated to athletic success. The valid point that people are making, though, is that the Eagles’ win helps to disprove the opposite argument—that it’s negatively correlated, that socially activist players harm their team by being a “distraction.”

“I know we are a nation of laws, and this is a very serious and almost sacred process of deciding how to mete out punishment...but what the guy did was bad, so YOLO, you know? Free shots for everybody.”- No judge who wants to keep their job.

Not according to this Gizmodo post (summary: the brain burns lots of calories at all times, and thinking harder causes negligible change):

“People, I don’t think, realize the mental energy that goes into playing a full game of chess. Not only do you burn an insane amount of calories, it’s also very mentally draining...”