
Buying a new washing machine is THE WORST. They’re all so freaking over-engineered now! Digital this, computer-controlled that, all kinds of code and widgets THAT WILL FAIL. When I had to get a new one a few years back, I got overwhelmed by all the choices (and the price tags) and just said screw it and went with the

Ty! It is VERY gratifying to make something new and different! I doubt I’d use the rainbow placemats in my own dining room, but they’ll be perfect for somebody, somewhere. Tomorrow I’m going to try to start figuring out how to incorporate vintage album sleeves into fabric-based notebook covers bc WHY NOT?

Oh man, now I want to try making my own pita! I made a pretty bomb carrot-ginger soup the other day, and then promptly fucked it up by oversalting it. No additional carrots to put in there to knock it back down to an acceptable sodium concentration (nor any squash, nor zucchini, used the last onions in the soup, used

You can do all kinds of things with them! Hack/chop them into chunks or slices and toss them with a little olive oil or melted butter and salt/pepper and roast them in the oven. Hack/chop and steam them or boil until kinda soft then smash ‘em up with a fork and use them in bread. You could probably even just cut them

Also : babydoll minidresses, big clunky Fluevog and Tredair mary janes, Sonic Youth, Madchester, Shocked Site Of The Day, Hal Hartley, J Crew and Abercrombie both still made legitimate clothes for adult humans, ST:DS9. The 90s had some GREAT SHIT. Also, I saw KMFDM on Halloween night 1995. Lords of Acid opened. 

Yeah, I’m pretty sure they don’t list the number of sales for individual items. Shit, I find it difficult to find info on each item’s sales in MY OWN shop.

I grew up about an hour south of where this is set. Funnily enough, Wiki says “Principal photography began on February 19, 2019, in Alabama” ... which is where I live now, and whose accent[s] sound way, waaaaaay more like what I’m hearing from this cast. Southern Ohio / Appalachia is more “warshrag,” and “yu’uns”

Not as often lately, but earlier this year I had it happen at least four times in the span of a month or two — enough that I was contacting eBay to complain about it. Which, idgaf if people want to do that, provided it doesn’t go against eBay or Amazon’s TOS (which I believe it totally does), but they’d need to be

I’m from north Louisiana, grew up largely in southern Ohio (redneck country), lived in New Orleans, and now live in Alabama. I don’t get these accents either. Specifically pronouncing “I” as “ah” and “want” as “won’t” — that’s ... that’s really not an Ohio thing. Not even the grotty parts of Ohio down near KY/WV. I

Yes I know, but the ones who simply use Amazon fulfillment don’t ship their items with an Amazon gift receipt. These people aren’t outsourcing their shipping, they’re listing inventory on ebay that they DON’T ACTUALLY HAVE, setting the prices slightly higher than Amazon, and ordering YOUR order from them. 

It is! And a lot of the time you’re legit supporting a small business! But then sometimes you order from eBay and ... it arrives in an Amazon package, with an Amazon gift receipt, indicating that it was simply drop-shipped with a slight markup. I haven’t had this happen in a couple months, so maybe (hopefully) eBay

I mean what did we expect, his name literally translates to “weasel.”

Girl you know it’s true.

No, the third-party delivery apps need to raise their prices to consumers. The restaurant is doing 95% of the labor already, on a razor-thin margin, during a pandemic (or not!). They shouldn’t also have to juggle multiple pricing schemes for in-person dining, takeout, and third-party delivery. Which they’d have to do,

The hero we deserve.

Yep. Maybe I’m wrong because my love of Geena Davis is giving me bias, but I refuse to believe that her interior decor sensibilities are THIS BLAND.

Yeah, exactly. And I’m not the only one in the comments who’s pretty sure that everything not physically attached to the walls/floor/ceiling is in fact NOT Geena Davis’ Stuff and is in fact owned by a home staging company who decks out empty houses for realtors. That’s the only viable explanation for the combo of the

Oh god the number of things both the bf and I have stashed away somewhere in a “ooh gotta get that framed” pile is just .... :(

Oh shit I didn’t even make a Zardoz connection! NICE.

I totally get it! And I’m still of the opinion that this is not Geena’s own decor and that the house was empty and was professionally staged for photos/showings. So many of the pieces look like they came from a massive collection of stuff purchased because it was vaguely interesting but not TOO interesting and not