
Shamefully, I came around to fresh-ground pepper waaaay late. Like, a few years ago? But in fairness, I didn’t really cook on a regular basis until I shacked up with the bf. I was a passable cook who occasionally pulled of “WOW THIS IS AMAZE” stuff, but I lived alone for two + decades and I was perfectly content to

And then the shit you put on your face to attack the zits dries your skin out and the resulting flakiness makes your wrinkles look EVEN WORSE. :(

PIZZA STONE YEAAAAH! My to-do list currently includes “make a shitload of pizza dough balls and freeze them” -- we made pizza weekly for a while there, and then just kind of fell out of it? Probably because bf’s dad’s PROPER dough recipe requires like three days of proofing or whatever, and I can’t be relied upon to


Honestly I got the worst skin of my WHOLE LIFE at age appx 42-43, and I was furious. It’s mostly clear now (after a long slog of figuring out my acne triggers / ingredients to avoid) but I still get pms breakouts. And a couple days ago I put a niacinamide serum on — niacinamide! good for everyone! popular ingredient

It is not! At all! And if you pay attention when you’re eating at a great restaurant, and watch a few cooking shows, and maybe do a few things with very PARTICULAR recipes? You can quickly gain the basic skills (and the confidence) you need to be entirely functional. I mean, I still have to slice into the chicken I’ve

My soups are like that too! Back end of the leeks, random wilty half bag of spinach, the last half-cup of quinoa and brown rice and orzo so I can throw the packing away, etc. I am by no means a stellar cook, but I feel really good now that I’m competent enough with the basics and experienced enough (through lots of fuc

Same! Somebody told me once that they almost never had fresh lemons/limes around, and I was like HOW DO YOU LIVE LIKE THAT? I use them in evvvverything! Even the pickled red onions had a shot of lime juice along with their typical vinegar/salt/sugar/dill/peppercorn mix!


I like that we have similar recipe-writing styles. :) “Got some ____? Throw it in there. Or sub it out with ____, doesn’t matter. Add some ____, idk, maybe half a cup? Whatever you feel like. Cook it for, you know, a while, until it looks like food or something.”

At LEAST once a week, one (or both) of us will stand up or get out of bed and go “AAAA, wtf?” How many fucking tendons or whatever ARE there in my back, and why are they so goddamned tetchy? Why do my knees sound like they’re full of PopRocks now? And why am I still getting zits on top of all this?

Bf and I are both gonna hit fifty in a couple years, and we’re both mildly freaked out about it. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? 

Omg happy anniversary, and those cookies look SMASHING, holy crap!

Re: your last paragraph, SAAAAAAME. We’re starting to open back up too (restaurants and bars are still limited to takeout only for the next two weeks at least, tho) and CROWDS and also “half these people are stone-ass morons, I am Concerned.”

Who else is still cooking? I made chicken tacos last night and holy shit they were amazing.

So you’ve got hypertension and diabetes and multiple strokes, and you want to add a self-inflicted gunshot wound in your foot to all that?

Oh nice, I haven’t tried that one yet! The “Television” shampoo and conditioner are suuuuuper, tho. 

UGH, Polo. The Drakkar Noir of the early 80s. :(

I love almonds. I love almond paste! I love marzipan! I love almond croissants! (Mmmmm, almond croissants.) But almond-scented things can gtfo with their fake-dessert fuckery. Gag.