
Just to take a different tack. Isn't driving a Hummer through Ann Arbor already anti-social behavior? Running over the ducks was pretty much redundant. It also seems like if he had run over something else, it wouldn't have caused such an uproar. The point?

Actually, I'd argue the opposite. The fact that this tripe exists doesn't mean it's consumed willingly, let alone taken as a sole source of information but there's definitely an entire industry out there dedicated to making you feel like you are more special then you really are. Someone has to be on the other side of

Since I found out I could download pr0n on my smartphone, I've caused 427 pedestrian fatalities... but I'll admit I've been distracted by space ships twice.

I've never seen these cars not covered in stuffed animals and "do not touch" stickers. Clearly this footage is computer generated. Nice try though.

Good one, also:

R5 Turbo... also DAMN IT NIBBLES!


Was anyone else "feeling it" right up till they got to the interior shots?

I don't see the advantage of heating the water in the boiler with a laser versus a regular electric heating element (or changing the phase of the energy that many times vs just sending it to a motor) but if you can soak up some Tesla's grant money with this idea, I'll fully support it. Why? Because LAZERS!

Sidepipes always equal NP... even on this rolling turd.

He had plenty of room in front of him, at least 5 car lengths in my opinion.

I guarantee he was on the front binder hard in order to make the stop. Typical criticism is that non-expert riders don't use their front brake while turning, which is HARD to get the hang of. Locking the rear isn't a big deal since it's basically useless at stopping the bike anyways in extreme maneuvers when all the

LuLz, the death trap drum brakes on my norton would have saved me, I'd have had to go over the white or split the lanes on my junk.

google "project angrier"

You just described "Big Jim" Glickenhaus. Still, if I was going to be part of the "tacky rich" caste, I'd chose 2nd generation money over talentless hollywood knobhandler any day of the week.

The irony makes me rage. Son, I am dissapoint.