“fits your narrative”
“fits your narrative”
I was all in on Xbox 360 and had never owned a Sony console. In my senior year of college, I did my final papers on the war between HD-DVD and Blu-Ray. I had picked the HD-DVD format to win based on it’s similarities in production to DVD meaning manufacturing costs would be significantly cheaper than setting up…
actually this is one case where the pirates really were sleezebags. I say this as somebody with a modded switch and somebody who pirates games on said modded switch. SXOS is special firmware made by Team Xecuter which is made for the express purpose of pirating games - it’s piracy ready out of the box, compared to…
Yep. We put our deposits down, and moved on. It’s a handheld console; there’s not exactly a ton to keep discussing.
In that same light, there were people that clearly supported a liar in Hillary Clinton. During the ‘08 primaries, she fed the rumors about Obama’s birth certificate in order to further her own campaign. Not to mention trying to bring her cheating husband back into the White House with her.
Again, T-E-X-A-S. Rural Texas no less. Did people really expect him to be a Democrat? He wasn’t supporting Trump specifically. He was just donating to various Republican candidates.
It’s really nasty to shit on the FN@F creator by calling him a “weird Christian Dude” like that’s very insulting, if he was an Hasidic Jew or Devote Muslim and you called that weird it was be uncalled for. I’m agnostic but this weird thing where we just dump on religious belief as long as their “safe” to mock is…
sorry to break it to you buddy, but it does.
Pretty much most of Kotaku amazing writers that actually put care into what they were reporting are gone... Cecilia, Jason, Gita ... Kotaku has become this sort of twitter/reddit woke people standard that got their work and now can finally throw fire at people through mainstream media plataform.
I don’t think it’s a generational problem, it’s more a... lack of education problem.
Dude come on.
What even is this article. I work at a AAA studio, fewer than 1 in 10 CVs we get are from women. Not everything is caused by the patriarchy ffs
Starting a new studio is a big leap of faith and takes courage, unlike writing this piece. Great job sticking it to the man. Or, you know, a startup with fewer than 10…
Did you seriously feel a need to write this article? Why? Whether a small development studio is all male or all female or what-have-you does not matter. Your statement of, “So, presumably, the founder had met at least a couple of women who were skilled enough to work at one of the highest-profile video game companies…
This is absolutely despicable, and really shows how little you know about how start ups work.
“Simply didn’t hire them” or maybe...those women simply didn’t want to work there and chose of their own ~individual~ volition? It’s like those women aren’t even people, the way you write about them, they’re just pawns to…
Jeez...it’s a freaking startup, can you just give him some slack.
No more bad people in games. It gives bad people something to latch onto.
Kotaku last week: Hey kids, here’s how you can pirate and Emulate Metroid Dread on your PC before your local Gamestop even open for business this morning.
No, he declared that he stands with cis gendered women. You declared that he stands with people who want to see your friends dead. This is the example of emotional response that I mentioned.
you realize it’s standup right? you know, that whole “don’t take it seriously, i’m not actually gonna cum inside of a fishbowl” kind of shtick? how many times does he gotta come out and say he’s fucking joking.