
Pretty much every roguelike I can think of has some form of interim save, dating all the way to Shiren on SNES and probably even earlier than that. This is really staggering to me. It’s not even just a “Less accommodating era” since this has been standard since 1995 at least. It’s just really weird design.

Honestly it’s design it blatant yet vague enough they could probably do like the “totally not tyranid tyranids” on etsy and call it something copyright friendly like “The Kingsword” or something. it doesn’t say anything about Bowser, but everybody knows what it is.

I feel like this all comes down to avoiding trouble with the film release, at least some good came of it even if the Robotech movie turns out awful. Or fades back into the ether. I just want Macross (and the other two series that don’t get as much attention) to actually have a chance outside Japan. Though I’ve heard

I got a bit confused since there actually was a Shin Kamen Rider in 1993, I thought so.

I guess Steam didn’t get a high enough score to pick him up!

Didn’t Miyamoto once say that very early on Zelda was intended to involve time travel and more futuristic elements in Hyrule? I feel like this song is based around that version or something. I always hear the yapping as a laser sound.

I’m really excited to see what all is in here. Sadly my personal holy grail (the apparently complete but cancelled English localization of Code Age Commanders) doesn’t seem to among them. But I’m sure there’s plenty of cool stuff regardless!

The new boss seems to be taking it well.

While I think Covid is my favorite of the designs from a character standpoint, Rabies is definitely the coolest conceptually. The whole animal masked violinist thing looks so awesome I’m amazed I haven’t seen that motif before as far as I can recall.

I want to hate this, but considering that the current DLC alone is over $300 and I don’t think that’s the most expensive Paradox has gotten, this might kinda be the best way to do it. Especially since the DLC sometimes has quality of life stuff locked behind it from what I’ve read (I’ve played small amounts of Hearts

Twelve is my favorite SF3 character, he was my most wanted pic but also one I considered basically impossible. I don’t really care for this ones facial design, but I’m sure there will be costumes to help with that. I’m honestly kind of stunned. As far SF characters this is basically my perfect roster.

When planning your vacations make sure you’re going with FFXII Ivalice however, and not one of the later stages in it’s timeline. I remember I used to joke about Tactics Ivalice that if I owned one house in Hell and one in Ivalice I’d live in Hell and use the Ivalice one as a timeshare.

As for which one I’d want to

This smile is awkward in the most perfect way. Former really seems to be trying to make themself approachable to humans, but is so bad at it due to being an alien monster who hasn’t got a full grasp of this dimension yet. So that totally awkward smile just really fits their character.

I love the Mako so much, it’s by far my highlight of the series. Though sadly it also did mess up my perfect Paragon run... as I accidentally ran over a monkey on one mission.

I like to think that the bad starting stats and questionable friendship issues are just things they have to overcome on the road to becoming the best dragon in the series.

I really wish these had controller customization. The dpad thing is definitely annoying, but the real problem is that in the original (thankfully not this one) L3 brings up the menu, and selects the menu option. So if say you hold diagonal-down too hard you’ll bring up the menu, move it down, and select reset, losing

The moment I saw the news I just kind of jokingly said to myself “If only they’d add all the stuff from Essence of SaGa...” then I saw Fuse and basically flipped out.

The yukata I can see, it’s pretty clearly unintentional but close enough that I’d err on the side of caution. But the shrine thing just baffles me. I feel like it’d be a bit like making it so you couldn’t pray in churches because of all the horrific stuff done by countless Christian sects throughout history. That

The rings are pretty neat, but I think I’d prefer if they were all connected; like a perfect spiraling apple peel of teeth.

So far Fushigi Dagashiya’s the only one that’s really jumping out at me, though I’m curious what the actual in-series art style is going to be like. I’m pretty curious about the Moriarty one and what direction they’re going with it.