
There have been a lot of comments about punishing the CEO’s instead. The issue being... for what? It was a record success, so punish everyone! I mean yes, expectations and all that, but I just hate that a record success can be seen as a failure.

Incidentally, looking at it from the shareholders perspective, I

I kind of feel sorry for Shadowside, I don’t like the direction, but I felt like it was trying to be Kitaro. Immediately before we got a new Kitaro series that was super well received. So even it’s retool was beaten by something else doing it way better immediately after. I’ve actually yet to watch Shadowside

For me the real holiday isn’t Valentine’s Day, it’s the day after Valentine’s Day when all the best candy is on clearance.

Wait, they removed Stella? That and Epic were the only ones I ever actually played, and it’s annoying they removed her one starring role. And here I was wanting Gale to have a larger role... has she shown up anywhere else, I don’t follow the series at all.

I really don’t get why “similar” stages are banned. I mean if it has something that presents a problem either with stage design or like the flash in Smash4 Final Destination I understand that, but I just feel like it’d be like only allowing one street fighter stage because the others are too similar. I guess there’s

You know, I was going to say that maybe it was a genuine misunderstanding and they were using it in reference to it’s much older roots as one of the oldest religious symbols on Earth. Then one of them does a roman salute in the middle of the image. Actually I’m more curious about the photo in the hotel. Just, why?

Wow, this may be the first time I’ve agreed with a republican on the floor in this entire administration! Granted I don’t actually watch football myself, but I have a lot of relatives and friends that were supporting the Saints and got really sad about the whole thing, so I definitely am angry about this call.

While I do worry about a decline in quality, at the same time I feel like people tend to be a bit too hard on NISA (even before the ys incident), so I’d file it under cautiously optimistic. Hopefully they hit it out of the park and win back some support.

Oh hey, maybe he’d get a better reception if instead of a wall, he suggested a giant border-length basketball stadium. Now you might argue that a 2,000 mile stadium would be hard to score on, but I don’t see it being any less effectual then the wall.

I’ve definitely noticed this pretty constantly, a couple times people did literally nothing else, like I wasn’t sure if they were doing this or if it was some bizarre attempt at a wavedash effect or something. It’s a bit annoying as it’s always been kind of my gesture for “that shouldn’t have happened” if the opponent

Wait, if un-enshrining is a thing, as the Korean descendants are pushing for, why don’t they just do that? Especially if the Class-A criminals were added secretly and so I’d assume without the people actually running the shrine knowing. I just feel like this is something that the shrine itself should have taken care

To be fair, he said the final production version would go about 150 miles an hour, so the speed factor will improve. I’m more just worried about the infrastructure. These tunnels have to go somewhere, and having seen the disaster that was the tunnel borer in Seattle (seriously, did they ever get that thing out? I live

I only just realized that characters you unlock in World of Light are unlocked for real. While it did put a damper on my dream of unlocking characters with themselves, I’m really glad for it. Also I’m only maybe 3 hours in, but I’m really enjoying World of Light so far as well. There have been a couple frustrating

I feel like they seriously missed an opportunity to make Urien’s gem a pro tour logo, it’s even the right color. I mean it’s horrible and while I knew it’d be bad I didn’t think it’d be this bad... but I still kinda want to see that. Also; M. Bison is like public enemy #1 and Urien is part of the Illuminati. Do they

“Please take a second look at the gamertag in question”. Please. Please. PLEASE tell me this was a parody account. Like, I’ve talked about the lack of self awareness before, but that is just, I’m too awestruck to even find it offensive, just, how could you think that’s okay?

They should have the “Large” specimen show up even smaller then the normal ones.

I hate having to deal with all the launchers and such, but hopefully it helps the ecosystem in the long run, beneficial competition kind of forcing both to be on their A-Game. My only worry is that other devs will see the success, smell the money, and we get a million storefronts that are totally unsustainable leading

I tend to use too many ellipsis myself, but that... that is a lot.

You know, I was going to say that regardless of how reprehensible someone’s personal politics are, I hate to see them dealing with that much life-crushing debt. Then I remembered him basically doxxing random trans teens and literally putting their lives in danger. Yeah, have fun with that bed you made Milo.

It took all my will power seeing this not to just type out a huge string of pleasebetheprotagonists over and over. I actually haven’t gotten around to Far Cry 5 yet, though the cover of this one and a single screenshot from the teaser makes me suspect how it ends.