
I’m curious if this might be Square-Enix’s way of reassuring everyone that they didn’t forget about VIII after all the concerns from the Switch announcement.

Clearly it’s going to be a simple and down to earth story about war and the human condition. Also editing clouds sucks and I really hate how they came out.

I gave it a once over, I’ll have to read it more indepth, but I think my favorite thing about the book is that one of the suggested scenarios involves the captain being a shared hallucination of the crew. It’s so simple and yet just so perfect.

I remember a while back I read an article discussing why things are so one-sided on youtube. But what really gets me is how recommended it is. Like you watch a video discussing gender, and suddenly my recommended feed is full of these videos with deliberately insulting thumbnails and titles like “There are only two

Because someone has to grab the low hanging fruit.

Here I was with this whole thing about Toads being like bees with the queen evolving to become more human as part of their evolution... then I remembered we’ve seen Baby Peach many times.

I actually didn’t even know it had gone past the second season yet, I’m way too behind on stuff. Like many series I’ve yet to actually watch it but have the card game and a bit of Catbug merchandise... really should actually watch it one of these days.

I just want to know why this isn’t more common for computer mice. Like no matter how careful you are, if there is grease anywhere around, it will somehow find a way onto that mouse.

Something about this really bothered me, but I had trouble wording it. I think it’s the fact that it was directly invoked by the devs. Like it’s the difference between making a raid boss unbeatable, and waiting until the party has the boss at low health and then turning off it’s ability to take damage. The end result

I never cared for “Chicken Ketcha-cola” despite it having an awesome name. It’s novel, but only really useful if actual bbq sauce is completely unavailable. Still surprised so many people reacted this strongly though. Reminds me of a time I mentioned like ketchup on scrambled eggs and my friends went nuts.

Okay, these corporate recruitment ads are just getting deceptive.

Wow, that new Fifa one. I actually wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. I mean I repeat a lot of “stock phrases” at times, and sometimes I’ll repeat a line someone said without realizing it. But it’s like with every sentence it got more and more blatant until there was just no denying it. And just... why? Why

I just wonder what happened. Maybe it’s because I was in my teens at the time and younger, but I remember Bush-era Alex being a lot more... sensible? I mean he was loud and I disagreed with him on a lot, but I also respected him. Considering his whole thing was being against the “global elite” I assumed he’d be

This is the first time I’ve posted an image, so hopefully it shows up.

So does this mean that during his times as a civilian, Kiryu had to settle for keyboard controls?

This will lead to unique decks; except they’re random so some decks will be undeniably better or worse then others, and decks based around a theme or particular mechanic will be impossible. I’m curious about the game, but I feel like it’s sabotaging itself. Unique decks are unique because they’re designed in a unique

I understand what they were going for, but I really feel like a lot of the problem could be solved by having a few benches between sections of the platforming. It’s still a pretty heavy genre shift, but I feel like the repetition was the big problem with it for me. Especially since I did it without Hiveblood and ended

Personally I would have liked if they just had a unique warning system or something for it. Like maybe a voiced “Unknown Ground Vibrations Detected!” and then getting some kind of radar data that gives you an idea of where the worm is but not a totally accurate one. So you can get out of there if you don’t want to

It strikes me as so odd seeing it in the world cup and it’s A-OK, whereas I seem to remember one American football game where someone lost a touchdown or something for touching the ground or soemthing that seemed “unnecessarily” celebratory, and a Kendo tournament where the winner of the finals closed his hand

Oh no! This... this was what Team Galactic was really planning all along!