

Also to honor Maradona, Ginobli is going to change his nickname to Mano.

Thats kind of the point, true analysis is handicapping not just the chances but how they could win. I think Deadspin is doing a great job here

Wouldn't it be more likely that something attacked it but ate the transponder, not the whole shark?


Wow, I did not know that Johnson was a fan of Gabriel Garcia Marquez

This is like a whole new take on "WHAT ABOUT THE MENZ??" It's objecting to the fact that "fat admirers" don't get enough representation in media, while ignoring the struggles fat women have with dating in general society. Seriously, which of these issues is more pervasive? (I CAN GUESS)

Its because they are doing it a joke with their boys dude. That was the joke.

One line I really liked from the episode that hasn't gotten as much play was Vanessa's point about good-looking guys being perfectly willing to flirt with her but less-attractive ones being much more averse. Very attractive people are often stereotyped as self-involved pricks but this is more often then not wishful

God, this article is such an incredible fucking bummer, because it is SUCH a missed opportunity.

it's a deep railroad cut leading up to a tunnel. there was green space and a sidewalk that started to sink first as the ground started to liquify in the retaining wall. The wall gave way and took half the street with it into the cut. it's a sinkhole AND a landslide. The worst part about this (despite the cars) is

Judge Mills Lane. Boxing.

A glimpse into the mind of Joey Crawford.

yeah they embodied everything good about England including not signing a black player until 1977. fuck Liverpool and their elitist scouse scumbag fans. also their american fans because they're even worse - signed a West Ham, aka the last bastion of true British football, supporter.

I'm a reasonably smart human being. Somewhat educated. But sir, that first paragraph is unreadable. Just write. Stop trying to impress.

Not touching you! Not touching you!

Jaketoobad-: [Clicks on article he has no interest in.]