So’s your phone, though. And when do you ever have your watch on or about you but not your phone?
So’s your phone, though. And when do you ever have your watch on or about you but not your phone?
Schwarz is ridiculously quick and funny off the cuff. Polygon’s rapid-fire chat with him re: the Sonic movie was one of the funniest interviews I’ve ever seen and he was great on Game Grumps both times.
Teach her to do a kickflip.
Watches are just jewelry. They haven’t had any practical purpose for decades. Wearing two watches is about as eccentric as wearing two necklaces.
I know a bunch of musical theatre nerds and I couldn’t have told you there was such a show as “All That Jazz”.
It looks eyedroppered directly off the cover of a Tintin album.
Here’s hoping and praying the season’s all about him getting sidetracked on his way to find Quellcrist and not finding her. All the flashback stuff in Season 1 was an incredibly tiresome distraction from the actual meat of the show.
Good luck with that. Completely dogshit keyboards and mice have been a core part of Apple’s business strategy for what, 20 years now?
Todd also doesn’t need Bojack any more. He’s got his own meal ticket and doesn’t need to mooch off him for another five years. And Princess Carolyn’s career is no longer dependent on her one big client, and Diane’s writing her own book and doesn’t need to be writing Bojack’s.
Changing the name to “Pagliacci” has always been a weird move considering “Pagliacci” means “clowns”. “I am Clowns”?
Isn’t that just her career for the past decade-plus?
Whatever the covert pro-Biden (or even pro-Trump) psyops teams say, any of Warren/Sanders/Buttigieg would be the most progressive left-liberal president the United States has ever had in its history. It’s maybe a good idea to remember that before wading into internecine warfare between progressives, progressives, and…
Eventually they’ll just be wheeling them out in chairs to sit there, gazing vacantly and drooling, as a backing band plays the songs and the audience takes lead vocal.
We watched and thoroughly enjoyed season 1 before Netflix had started pushing it or, as far as I can tell, anyone had any idea the show even existed. It’s a bizarre mix of doofy “no, you stop repeating what I’m saying” humor, occasional bursts of nihilistic pitch-black comedy, and earnest emotional gutpunches.
She’s still doing the posing with a guitar thing, huh? Did she learn to play it at some point or is it still a lot of walking around with it and occasionally a couple of completely off-time power chords?
She also came off antidepressants without getting the zaps. I’ve never heard of that happening, even though most psychiatrists seem to be all “the what now?”
Wait, why? How is fifth place “the clear winner”?
Considering he started as a writer and he’s a very big-picture guy with his band (band leader and head of propaganda department, more than a musician) he could easily have been a writer-director of some of the grodiest black comedies you would ever have seen.
I’d love to see a movie about the career of Jon Peters. I imagine it would be sort of a cross between Anchorman and Wolf of Wall Street. Dude became a high-powered film producer based solely on the qualification of doing Barbra Streisand’s hair despite being, by all accounts, one of the most exceptionally dimwitted…
Possibly they should have just gone ahead and booked stadia instead of arenas.