
No no, a voice actor sitcom.

Most importantly i think they need to get mod support fixed, especially on the server side things are an absolute mess with mods and plugins.


By that logic we couldn’t have any news channels on tv....

Explain the physical copies with a multiplayer icon hidden under a sticker?

(I hate going to the gym because I just don’t feel good about the way I look).

(Q:Do you have a match? A:No, I’m sorry, I gave up smoking years ago., etc.)

Which nobody ever uses?

Now playing

Pour out a glass of Kanar/Romulan ale/bood wine/Samerian sunset/tea, earl grey, hot for the original timeline.

Any random comp can take out a turret without issue as long as they work together. Tracer and Reaper can flank it, 76, Zarya, Zenyata and Pharah can shoot it from a distance, Reinhard can use his shield to close the distance and whack it to death, etc, etc

They are probably also working on something that’s more of a video game. It is probably not Half-Life 3.

So what happens to the fish?

Mac Mini

So basically the organization failed completely at either:

Did he have them do his grocery shopping or something?

As long as that’s confined to cosmetic content i don’t and/or loot boxes i really don’t mind.

But here’s the thing, they initially intended to support the entire game based on 250k players or less, including dev support, servers and GM’s. A vanilla server barely needs serious dev support and Nostalrius was running on $500-$1000/month in server rent costs.

The ladies before you are class seniors and have been making their voices heard more and more on an app called “Yik Yak” where users are kept anonymous