I would NOT buy anything with that logo on it....
I would NOT buy anything with that logo on it....
Get a DXRacer or GT Omega chair. Trust me, you could sleep on one of those things.
and a really good chair—a spine-conforming, back-supporting, muscle-relaxing specimen—costs $800.
Well be realistic, most Kickstarter projects simply do not have the money for refunds when they fail.
Crazy idea but how about they just buy some buns and burgers and make something themselves?
Maybe, just maybe.... this should have the number one spot?
Well the cable length is your big issue. Beyerdynamic DT770's do not have a plastic hinge BUT the cable is 3 meters long....
Protip, don't bother with 5.1 unless you are willing to spend at least a couple hundred dollars.
You my friend are looking for the ATH-M50x. And friends who don't sit down on headsets...
Oh my god the moment i read that....
and, most recently, for implying that Jennifer Lawrence—along with countless other women—is complicit in her own sexual victimization, because she chose to take photos of her body in the (apparently illusory) privacy of home.
- Add the following line to the Command Line Arguments box and hit apply: ––no_tutorial
Garry's Mod comes to mind.
This may well be gearing up to become a second Kent State if the National Guard goes in.
Who probably have a few friends in the Ferguson PD...
Good to see Tim Pool is still going at it.
Why would you pirate Garry's Mod? A game which will be on sale several times a year for less then a meal at McDonalds.
Oh please, there have been Zombie servers in CSS for a LONG time.
That desk reminds me of mine. Old hdd's, random cables, adapters, etc.
Good. Sony and Microsoft need a kick in the ass. Rumor from AMD is that if they had spent $10-$20 more it could have done true 1080p.