
he was dressed as a raccoon sooooo....obvious mistake?


“aoli is not mayonnaise”

you really shouldn’t eat FRIEND chicken....that’s not very friendly

okay, thought it was just me

there’s no “H” in Nicolas Cage

everytime my ex and I had to pull down the visors in her Passat we would shout “Sac Gonflabble” because thats what the airbag warning said

I did not know those stupid seat covers actually still existed new

this is a meme I saw like 2 years ago on twitter and someone is just rehashing it on tiktok

Lol at "honky" dory

you really didn’t go with “CARguements”?

How about....don’t?

Which is why I left Austin. I worked at Bookpeople for almost a decade and was making 9.75 when I left. A whole $2 more than when I started (dont get me wrong, the company was great and I’d work for them again in a heartbeat....now that they unionized) but my rent by st Ed’s started at $950 in 2009 and was $2500 when

I was wondering which staff member wrote this cause it's way more insufferable than before

Carlos Santanac Panic?

IEGOT seems more prestigious 

We definitely had books in our HS library and I remember the syndicated TV show being on late nights

Yeah he’s there with my bunny Floppy from 1983, my dog Brutus from 1995, my cat Scamper from 1998, and my other dog Yabbo from 2000...they're living their best lives right....right!?

It is the battle cry of the Sheldon

You should buy a chair. It's much more comfortable