
Only if she agrees to not breastfeed her 6 year old on tv

Lol, thinking about lil Pete just off to the side


How does he keep up with the news like that?

I understood everything but capisce 

Don't rag on my chord

I literally made this dumb shit two days ago!

Holy shit! Now I do too!

Novak's Mirror

These babies know I used to be a piece of shit!

Eh, just looks like a piece of schist to me

If you cant fuck standing up do you belong at the Olympics?

Also "followed their noises"

You’re an idiot

Tturn it up!

Pale Hoz

Lol at "last 5 years"

Damn internet hoaxes. This popped up a couple weeks ago, turned out to be fake after I got bummed out. Then tonight I was like "bullshit"...and it was real. R.I.P. Diabolical Dr. Biz.

The Murano has sodium benzoate 
